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Obstacles in Meditation

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Obstacles can be roughly divided into three

categories :-<br><br>1- Lack of concentration and not

getting results <br>2- malfunctions of

emotions/body<br>3- Obstacles from nature or fate<br><br> Now we will

look into these obstacles one by one.<br><br>1- Lack

of concentration /no results : This is very common

obstacle. The reason may be lack of proper knowledge of

Sadhna….not finding proper Guru…or wrong techniques used. In

this mechanical world it is very difficult to achieve

concentration in the beginning. If your sadhna is right and is

befitting your personality, soon the concentration/results

will set in. Also one has to be very careful in

selecting proper meditation. An emotional person trying to

do TM, Raja Yoga or Hathha yoga OR a logical person

doing Bhakti Yoga, will not get proper results… We

should first find out carefully what type of person we

are and then start our meditation. Just by reading

Meditation Packages , one should not start meditation as it

may lead to chaos. Also do not get impressed by big

Names and select one as guru. A proclaimed guru may be

a higher soul, or may be expert in

advertisement…not necessarily a perfect guru. Remember the ultimate

Guru is God himself….and it is He only who speaks

through human beings to guide you. It is always useful

for a beginner to start with simple Mantra (NO beeja

mantra) chanting and some simple breathing meditations.

Adreamgodus's idea of lighting a candle before meditation is

also a very helpful hint to the sub-conscious to calm

down. Some relaxing exercises before your sadhna may

also help solve this problem (these may seen in

earlier posts titled-Relax)<br><br> If you see a

vision/dream during your sadhna but are baffled on its

meaning…do not lose patience. The visions/dreams are shown

by nature to guide us on our path. Continue your

sadhna and next time you will see the same vision/dream

with more clarity…or another vision clarifying the

previous one.<br><br> If you continue with no results and

no concentration it is high time you change your

Sadhna and your Guru !!!!<br><br>2- Disturbance of

emotions/body functions: If you find that with your Sadhna your

sexual desires are flaring or your outbursts of anger

have increased or some unknown hate is surfacing…you

should first congratulate yourself as this is not an

obstacle but a sign of progress. Whatever is the Sadhna,

one is bound to face these emotional turmoils !!! It

means our sadhna is working and the purification

process has started…..and Mother Nature does not purify

by suppressing your complexes but brings them to

surface to destroy them. With first stages of sadhna….we

start getting bigger energy currents from Kundalini

(Not the arousal of Kundalini). Our lower nature which

is still strong….grabs these energies and uses them

to manifest its lower emotions of sex, anger,

hatered, lust etc. If we carefully analyse these outbursts

and dismiss them as a purification process..by not

doing anything under the pressure….they will change to

Positive energies and catalyse the purification process.

But if we let these lower energies work…they will

again settle in our chakras giving us further

troubles…..For this reason Patanjali emphasised on Yama & Niyama

before starting Yoga. So anaylse carefully your each

emotion work on it and do not work under pressure of

these lower energies…that is the only key to success.

Sage Vishwamitra who had evolved to such higher planes

of consiousness….became so weak in his sexual

desires that he gave into Maneka and fell down from his

plane. And if our Sadhna is right we are bound to get

sexual encounters, anger, hate and lust……Our duty then

is to catch them young and change them to positive

energies. Survival and Sex are the first actions of our

existence and they vanish only in the end. Do not hesitate

discussing this with co-sadhakas….who knows god may speak

through them to guide you !!!! SATSANG is the


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