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apradha-kshama-seeking an apology!

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actually, silentsoulji never left this

forum-sadhna or saadnaa-he is "eternal" through his loving,

spiritual posts- his prema and bhakthi shines through his

many posts that he has left behind for all of us, his

children. shiv oham by posting all of silentsoul's eternal

messages has already enlivened this club, which is in fact

a continuation of our spiritual pilgrimage.

<br><br>it is very difficult to preach and teach religion-it

is not possible to preach or teach spirituality

without the blessings of the god and guru. only a

realized soul can lead others who are victims of maya .we

are all in the clutches of the three gunas tamas,

rajas and sattva. only self realized souls like

silentsoulji, jyotishguruji, yogaji and of course my most

beloved guruji bhramanshakthiji are qualified to give us

the proper guidance and spiritual advice-

<br>silentsoulji has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that

unconditional LOVE can transform all of us conditioned souls

into loving beings...<br><br>HERE IS A FAVORITE HYMN

OF MINE....<br>thou must save me, sweetest MOTHER!

unto thee i come for refuge, <br>helpless as a bird

imprisoned in a cage, <br>i have done unnumbered wrongs, and

aimlessly i roam about, <br>misled by maya's spell, berefit

of wisdom's light, <br>comfortless as a mother cow

whose calf has wandered far away.<br><br>sri

ramakrishna paramahamsa attained his mahasamadi and his wife

sarada devi was lamenting that mother kali (sri

ramakrishna himself) had left her-as she was about to put on

the marks of a hindu widow, in a moment of revelation

she heard the words of faith-, " i have only passed

from one room to another." <br><br>similarly,

spiritual leaders like silentsoulji and bhramanshaktiji

never ever leave us club or no club- they live through

their messages of love and compassion. their students

carry on the torch forward and light the way for other

sadhaks <br>asmy own dear shiv and beloved dreamy are

doing. <br><br>love and blessings, maa

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Om Shanti...<br><br>This one would like to begin

postings on the:<br><br>KENOPANISAD as translated by Swami

Saranada.<br><br>We can proceed verse by verse as i have an excellent

book in which to quote from. Yet, <br>it would be

wonderful to have our learned members that where raised and

have from birth knowledge of Hindu symbolism and

culture to add to this venture. <br><br>Dear Gypsy,

please shine your extensive light of knowledge on these

quotes--bringing to life the <br>the text with personal stories

and related texts.<br><br>Om Shanti

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