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on monday, hindus offer prayers to lord shiva and

seek his blessings- no wonder, our very own dear

silentsoulji decided to make his appearence in our

today with his gracious and auspicious presence-

please, join me in offering our prayers to lord shiva for

silentsoulji good health so that he will lead our satsang with

his soulful posts. <br><br>i offer this lingashtakam

at his lotus feet... <br><br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and the other

gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and

which destroys the cycle of births and deaths.

<br>**************************************************<br><br>i bow before that

Sadasivalinga, the destroyer of

Cupid, which the Devas and the sages worship, which is

infinitely compassionate and which subdued the pride of


<br>**************************************************<br><br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga, which is lavishly

smeared with variegated perfumes and scents, which

elevates the power of thought and enkindles the light of

discrimination, and which the Siddhas, the Suras and the Asuras

prostrate before.

<br>**************************************************<br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga, the destroyer of

Daksha’s sacrifice, which is decorated with various

ornaments, studded with different gems and rubies and which

glows with the serpent lord coiled

around.<br>**************************************************<br>I bow before

that Sadasivalinga, which is smeared

with saffron and sandal-paste, which is fair with

lotus-garlands, and which removes the multitude of all

accumulated sins.

<br>**************************************************<br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga which is worshipped

by the multitude of gods with genuine thoughts full

of faith and devotion and whose splendour is like

that of million suns.

<br>*************************************************<br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga destructive of all

poverty in its eight aspects, which is the cause of all

creation and which stands on the eight Dalas.

<br>**************************************************<br>I bow before that

Sadasivalinga which is the

Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self, worshipped by all

Suras with their priest ahead, with innumerable flowers

from the celestial gardens.

<br>**************************************************<br>Whoever repeats these

eight Slokas, praising Sivalinga in

the presence of Lord Siva, attains that Supreme Abode

of Siva and enjoys there with Him everlasting Bliss

and Beatitude.

<br>**************************************************<br>dear family, feb 21 st

is maha shivratri-on this day

devout shiva bhaktas observe a twenty four hour fast,

meditate on lord shiva and offer bilva leaves and do

abisekha (bathe) to shivalinga with milk, honey, water

etc.... it is believed that by observing fast and by

chanting OM namaha sivaye, one will reach the celestial

abode of lord shiva. <br><br>love and blessings,


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