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Welcome back ..... and obstacles..

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Welcome back silentsoul .. to your club. We look

forward to sharing your thoughts and new experiences with

us here. <br><br>Shivoham has just reposted the

messages on “obstacles in meditation” and silentsoul has

said in his latest message ""Being a sadhaka, one is

more prone to attacks by negative energies which come

to purify us.""<br><br>This stage is extremely

important for sadhaks. And a sadhak who is truly practicing

any of the yogas, is bound to face them. In fact, it

is often a sign of active sadhna. This purifying

process is viewed in different ways by the different yoga

paths. A bhakti yogi may say “ I am loved; these

difficulties are a sign of God’s love. They are tests of

faith!” A raja yogi may look at it as opportunities to

apply meditation and yoga practices in an even more

disciplined manner; a jyana yogi may look even deeper for

answers, and make changes in their cognitive structuring

and hence their thinking and in turn their actions; a

tantra yogi who works at the chakra levels may be able

to actually watch the clearing of specific energies.

A karma yogi on the other hand may remind

themselves to remain grounded in nishkaam karma (action

without attachment) and follow the path of ‘right’ action

that is required of them. A yogi who practices an

integrated approach (which is most often the case) may be

able to understand the various approaches and at the

same time refocus with even more determination their

personally chosen path. <br><br>This is also a stage that

becomes a pitfall for many sadhaks. As we learn to walk

the talk, we find there are many obstacles on the

path Beginners when faced with such challenges may

want to give up. As one sadhak said “All my troubles

began after I started my intense program of

meditation!!” Before this when I smoked, got drunk, womanized,

lied and cheated etc. I was fine!!!” Even advanced

sadhaks are faced with severe physical mental or personal

challenges. In fact every time one feels complacent about

having cleared a major milestone there seems to be

another one in the corner! Each at their level. The

energies on the way to becoming subtler and subtler tend

to be more susceptible to negative vibrations. The

road ‘home’ typically requires dropping of

ego-centered defenses as we know, and rebuilding them on the

basis of a different paradigm.. <br><br>I ask the

sadhaks.. what kind of challenges have you faced? How do

you view challenges and obstacles in your practice?

We have many sadhaks among us following different

yoga paths. How do you deal with it? What helped you

the most? And what seems to be the most difficult and

common obstacles?<br><br>While sometimes it is not

possible to give specific details a general idea would be

very useful for our satsangh to share and learn from

all. <br><br>Much love and light to all<br><br>Tat

twam asi<br><br>UMA

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