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Om Tat Sat...<br><br>"The Kenopanisd derives its

name for the first word of its opening verse, namely

Kena. It is also called Talavakaropanisad, as it forms,

according to Sankara and other commentators, the ninth

chapter of the Talavakara or Jaimini Brahmana; but

according to Dr. Burnell's MS of the Brahmana it forms the

tenth section of the fourth chapter.<br><br>The most

interesting feature of this Upanisad lies in the fact that is

gives a subtle psychological analysis which is so

suggestive that anyone who follows it closely is sure to

find theirselves at last lead to the gate of the

Transcendent. Though short, its value is great; and Sankara, it

is believed, has written two Commentaties, namely

padabhasya and vakyabhasa.<br><br>The Upanisad is divided

into four Parts. The first two parts are in the form

of a dialogue, and explain how one can arrive in at

the Atman through the analysis of perception. They

suggest the Atman or the Absolute Consciousness can be

intuited by detaching if from the functions of mind and

senses. It can be done only by the intutive faculty of

the Atman itself, for the senses are utterly

incapable of perceiving it. In the third Part, the

principles of the two earlier Parts are described in an

allegorical form. Here the devas stand for the senses. In the

forth Part, the Upanisad speaks of the subjective and

objective ways of meditating on Brahman and of the results

of such mediation."<br><br>[to be

continued]<br><br>Om Shanti..

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