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friends i am re-posting essay written by


RELAX<br><br>Meditation without Relaxing the body ?? That is the main

reason why most of our sadhakas do not get the desired

results of sadhna soon. Now-a-days the life has become so

fast and so mechanical that our mind and body are

always in tense condition, rather in a fighting mode

with additional doses of adrenaline circulating in the

body. when Sadhna is done without relaxing the body

first, the energies created by our sadhna are wasted in

relaxing the various faculties of our self and we do not

get desired results and are sometimes disappointed

with our sadhna or we start thinking if we are on

right path.<br><br>When our great sages discovered

various ways to reach God, or to see the ultimate Truth,

People were not leading a mechanical life. Hence the

meditational techniques mentioned by ancient sages were

clearly without mention of Relaxing. Though Some

Pranayamas mentioned in various books, do relax the body

<br>and the brain, yet it is insufficient in todays fast

world. Psychiatrists have recently developed certain

ways to relax the body and the mind. I am mentioning

hereunder some Relaxing techniques, used by Buddhist Monks,

Tantriks or modern day psychiatirists. If one could use

any of these relaxing techniques before his proper

sadhna, the amazing results will soon be

noticed.<br><br>1- Bhastrika Pranayaama: - Sit in the normal Asana,

with both palms on the knees. Keep spine erect. Notice

your respiration for a few minutes and then start

exhaling with jerks as if throwing the air out with force.

Do not inhale with any effort and let the air fill

the lungs automatically. Once the lungs are full blow

out the air with force again. This should be intially

done in such a way that your breathing becomes double

of your normal breathing rate. The rate of

respiration can be increased slowly and carefully. The ideal

condition is achieved when one is exhaling like a steam

engine throwing its steam while on a steep rail.. This

exercies relaxes the body and brain within minutes and

removes any tension prevailing. But this pranayama can

not be performed by those having heart or respiratory

problems. Also it should be done under guidance of a

teacher. <br><br>2- Tense & Go: This technique is very

simple but effective. Sit in the normal asana.Close the

eyes. do not worry for the train of thoughts disturbing

the peace. Mentally visualise your left feet and

command it to be tense and stiff. Then go to the right

feet and repeat the same command. Physically follow

your command and make the feet stiff and tense. Slowly

come up to calves, thighs, buttocks, stomach and chest

by repeating the stiffing command and making them

stiff.. then move to left hand and command it like wise

and see that the left hand is actually stiff with

fists forcefully closed, repeat with the right hand.

Command the jaws (and close the mouth forcefully-a little

lesser than it pains). then to eyes and brain.<br>Now

see yr whole body mentally seeing all parts in stiff

condition. If you find any area which is less stiff than the

other, command it to be more tense. Remain in this

condition for 2 minutes and then command your brain and

eyes to relax…and see that physicallly you do so. Then

mouth, neck, shoulders, arms, chest…till feet. Go slowly

otherwise the desired effect will not be forthcoming. Doing

this exercise for 3 to 5 times before sadhna will

remove all the tensions from the body and the mind and

you will be doing your sadhna


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