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-----<br>How much time one can find for Meditation in these

busy times. The whole day in the office, evening busy

with household jobs, then dinner and a slumber after

the tiring day !! Lucky are those who find one or two

hours a day for Meditation, half of which is used in

cooling down the tensions acquired during the day. But we

are forgetting Eigth hours during which we are free

and have no work to do…yes our sleep time. This sleep

time is a beautiful resting time, provided to us by

Mother Nature to refresh our physical and psychic

energies. Yoga Nidra is a beautiful way to utilise this

time for Meditation without disturbing the normal

sleep !!<br><br>Sleep is the best gift, nature has

given to us. Sleep not only helps us re-construct our

damaged cells , calm the brain, renew the physical

energies, but also takes us to our real self during deep

stage. There are many similarities between Samadhi and

deep sleep. We lose our body consciousness. We do not

remember if we are King or begger. The only feeling left

in us is “I am”. Same happens in Samadhi. The Only

but very imporant difference between samadhi and

sleep is that slumber is brought by Tamoguna whereas

Samadhi is brought by Satoguna. A fool goes into sleep

and wakes up like a fool whereas an ignorant goes

into Samadhi and comes back as Gyani and

enlightened.<br><br>Yoga Nidra Sadhna helps change the sleep into a

samadhi. The process is very slow but very effective. What

we do in Yoga Nidra ? We slowly change our sleep

first into Concentration then Dhyana and then into

Samadhi, without disturbing the Natural process of sleep.

Yoga Nidra can be done by anybody even by those who

are having their own sadhna during the waking period.

Yoga Nidra will not disturb your regular sadhna, but

will give amazing progress to it.<br><br>Yoga Nidra

can be performed in any condition. Even if u are ill

or are tired you can do Yoga Nidra. I would rather

say that when one is very tired or in emotional

turmoil…yoga nidra brings such soothing effects that one is

surprised to see the results. One does not need to leave

sex or anything to do Yoga Nidra. The Only condition

to do Yoga Nidra is that it should not be done while

having alcohol or any drug in the stomach. If one tries

Yoga Nidra with wine or drug…it will certainly bring

mental imbalance impossible to cure. A snoring parterner

may be like an Asura disturbing yr Yagna in the

beginning…but soon u will be in control (smiles)<br><br>After

having done all what is needed before sleep, you should

ease yrself and go to sleep with lose clothers. Lie

down without a pillow with both hands resting on the

sides of the body, feet straight a little stretched.

Now take some deep breaths and pray ,” O God! Let

there be peace everywhere…let there be Love

everywhere…Let your energies touch me with kindness and bliss”.

Now with closed eyes fix your attention on the nose

tip and mentally see the breath coming and going.

while inhaling mentally chant “So-o-o-o-o-o-o-o” till

the lungs are filled and while exhaling chan “

Hummmmmmm” till all the breath is out. This Mantra So-Hum (

O as in go and U as in Drum) is best suited for

Yoga Nidra, but it can be replaced by Om, shiva, Rama,

Krishna , Shakti, durga, Kali , Jesus, Budhaa or any

small name of god of your choice. But once selected ,

the Mantra should not be changed in any case.


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