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Maya's role in Samadhi

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Om Tat Sat...<br><br>When reviewing the

wonderfully informative discourses on Samadhi, a few thoughts

occurred that may be of service in one's

Sadhana.<br><br>Samadhi: "That state of consciousness in which there are

no objects, no passions, no aversions, but there is

supreme happiness and superior power.." (Mahopanishad

4.62).<br><br>Samadhi when seen as liberation from sensation

represents, it seems, the ability to unveil the

conceptualization of Maya. Maya as illusion, a feature of the

Supreme Mother, Jagatsara, MahaKaliji. <br><br>As we

Sadhakas strive towards liberation, this one thought, it

might be interesting to note what we are liberating

from....<br><br>The word Maya has two connotations. One,the power of

the divine power of spontaneous creation. And, Two,

as the veil that deludes and separate humans from

divine truth. This is the form that will encourages us

to seek truth as a vehicle to freedom.<br><br>The

web of Maya is know by Tantriks as tattvas-the cosmic

categories and principles that denote this world. Maya, when

perceived as a pyramid of manifestations, will find Siva as

the inert form of pure consciousness at the base. As

we proceed towards the pentacle we realize the

Shakti power of active creation and evolution in

process. These multi-levels of gross forms and

segmentation of unfoldment are divided into many stages and

degrees of unfoldment. This unfoldment is represented as

multiplying differations and cosmic categories. For example,

at the base we have the infant child only aware of

itself. As the child grows, we find that it's sphere of

reference will grow from mother to father to family to

neighborhood and finally the world. This differentiation of

form can be observed as Maya. However, as the child

continues to grow, the boundaries become less and less

tangible and finally, nearing the apex of the pyramid, we

find that the grown child begins to note the gross and

subtle interconnections between the world and the self.

Eventually, at the zenith, the mature-child realizes the

unity of all creation. Thus, From the base to the top,

we have lesser and lesser distinctions until we

reach the summit where Siva-Sakti are united into the

ecstatic base of uniformed form.<br><br>Tattvas, as a

cosmic category, then, form the circuit of life or the

reality of primal cosmic<br>unity. The Tantrik vision

observes three levels of tattvas: <br><br>Cosmos: <br>1.

Pure [siva-Sakti], <br>2. Psychical [Maya Shakti],

<br>3. Physical [Prakriti]<br><br>Humans: <br>1. Atman

or self,<br>2. Mind [intelligence],<br>3. Body

[sense and action]<br><br>The purpose of Maya, is to so

allow humankind to apprehend the true nature of this

world. A cosmic university that teaches the inner

meaning of the secret forces that flow as Divine Will.

Forces, that operate beyond the flux of appearance.

<br><br>Samadhi, once reached, will allow the Sadhaka to pull free

of Maya's seasonal character. Once this occurs, the

aspirant is able to discern truth as energy more readily.

Continuing on to the next stage of Samadhi, the Sadhaka

eventually will recognize Divinity as the Self.<br><br>Om


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tks peggy,gyp,prempujari and shikha. In respected

Jyotishguru's words, i am feeling spiritual ecstasy to see my

sadhna family reuniting.<br><br> adreamgodus tks for

beautiful supliment to samadhi. will you elaborate MAYA.

Should it be taken as false or truth ?<br><br>shiv

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