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DEAR SADHAKAS<br><br>Human brain, the most

complicated arrangement of matter in the universe, contains

special cells and nerves but its workings are more on

psychic planes rather than on physical. Scientists are

still baffled on its mysteries. The Hindu sages,

perhaps worked the best on human mind like in patanjali's

yoga sutras. According to our view, human brain works

on three psychic levels, the Chitta, Manas and

Intelligence. CHITTA (may be called sub-conscious, yet an

inappropriate translation but there is no other word in English

which is so near to it). Chitta keeps the records of

all our past lives from one cell life form to

date…but it goes far beyond that too. It also has a memory

of what lay behind the beginning of life. It is ,on

that level connected to the Universal Chitta,

containing information about everything. The past karma rest

in Chitta, not as memory, but as Vrittis (small

energy reminders of the result/effect). for example if

someone was killed by Police in his last birth, he will

have a Vritti of fear of police whenever he will see a

policeman, without knowing the reasons for that. Chitta is

continuously emmitting Vrittis to Manas who acts on

them.<br><br>MANAS (Mind) is a part of our consciousness which is

encircled by ten fine trigger points of our organs, called

Sukshma Indriya. Our manas attaches itself to one of the

sukshama Indriya and sends/receives message from /to gross

organs. Manas can not attache to more than one Indriya at

a time. This can be felt from the fact, that if we

are so engrossed in reading a book, we may not listen

to any sound. Manas accepts Vrittis from Chitta,

work on them and sends the results back to Chitta in

form of new vrittis..<br><br>BUDDHI (Intelligence) is

a tool which develops alongwith our evolution.

Buddhi checks the work of Manas in the light of past

experiences, social obligations and natural rules. It works

within a small circle of logic drawn by it during

evolution. <br><br>CONTD

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