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V I P A S A N A---2

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Contd from previous post:-<br><br>Manas is not

always oblidged to be checked by Buddhi. If the incoming

Vritti has great energy, Manas will perform its job,

over-ruling Buddhi. For example a smoker who takes a vow not

to smoke, sometimes unknowingly starts smoking. In

this case, the vritti from Chitta to smoke, was so

strong that Manas ordered the organs to start smoking,

without listening to Buddhi who stops Manas in her

logic.<br><br>The waves of Vrittis are continuous from Chitta.

There is no time, be it waking state, or sleeping ,

when chitta is not sending vrittis to the mind. It is

infact this flow of vrittis to and from Chitta which

forces Manas to exist. Manas is a beautiful tool, as it

has powers to attach itself to anything and find

details about that. The waves of vrittis rise from Chitta

mainly due to 1) The information coming from outer world

2-Past karmas coming up for giving fruit and 3- Prana

coming into body. The Prana which come to body are

mainly responsible to give energy to the Vrittis to

surface up and reach Manas. Vrittis and Prana have dual

relationship. Type of Prana coming to body will energise the

same type of vrittis and a type of vrittis will

attract same type of Prana to come to the body. For

example, if a Sattvic Vritt arises in Chitta, it will

attract Sattvic Prana to energise….and if Sattvic Prana

are coming to the body, they will only energise

Sattvic Vrittis.<br><br>Now if No vritti is coming to

manas, and it is not being affected by information

coming from outside , Manas will start discovering

itself and its source which is SOUL. This is what is

achieved by our various Meditations, knowingly or

unknowingly. Vipasana is a very effective Sadhna to achieve

this goal.<br><br>Outside information can be stopped

by closing the eyes, and by sitting in an Asna for

long time. But how to control Vrittis from Chitta. No

force in our present set up is so powerful that it can

control Chitta. But we can do one thing….make one Vritti

so powerful and continuing, that chitta remains busy

is handling that single Vritti and stops other

vrittis to surface. Now we will see how this can be



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