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The three Gunas (attributes)

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Friends I am continuing posting old messages of


_______________<br>Suppose there is a cricket match going on between

Australia and Pakistan and there are two friends one from

Nepal and one from Japan, watching the match. The

Nepali has sympathy with the Pakistanis and the Japanese

has sympathy with Australian Team. Now on every

turning point of the match one of them start crying with

joy and the other becomes sad…..so much so if one

team wins the match, both of them start fighting and

abusing each other. What adjective you will give

them….cricket maniac ..or Fools or immature…I think fool is

better word here. If we go deep into the theory of the 3

gunas (attributes) of the nature….all of us will prove

to be bigger fools than these two friends.<br><br>

The highest truth of Hinduism is Adwait Vedanta,

which conforms that there is only one Pure

consciousness (Brahm), and the entire universe is his

manifestation. The Nature or the Prakriti or Durga though is the

Shakti of the Brahm himself, feels itself separated from

Brahm and Dwait starts. The Mother Nature with Pure

consciousness in its womb and around it as silent spectator

starts manifesting into other forms. How this

manifestation begins, and what are the gunas or attributes,

which control this manifestation? The Great Indian

sages worked hard on this and brought out this unique

theory of 3 gunas of Nature. Going by the very nature of

Prakriti, Shakti can do three jobs. It can create some

thing, it can sustain the creation or it can finally

destroy its creation. These three attributes were given

the name Sat, Raj and Tamas by our great sages. Sat

is the balancing guna it denotes equilibrium, light,

and joy. It is denoted by Milky white colour. Raj is

a sort of kinetic energy and in form of guna it

denotes struggle, efforts, inciting and karma. Raj is

denoted by shining blood red colour.<br>TAM represents

inertia, non-consciousness, inefficiency and no-work. It

is denoted by dull soot black colour. These three

gunas when awaken in Prakriti, mate with each other in

different proportions and the Universe is


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Contd.from prev.post<br><br>All the highest and

the lowest manifestation of Mother Nature are

combinations of these 3 gunas. And since We as a person are

nothing but a grouping of different faculties like Mind,

intelligence, Ego, sub-consciousness(Chitta) and body, which

are nothing but different manifestations of Nature,

we also are a chaos, a mixture of these three gunas.

At any given time, we can recognise these gunas

working in us. Like Tamoguna represents inertia and it

manifests itself in blindness, non-consciousness,

foolishness, laziness, fanaticism, non-action, mechanical

repeating, sleep of the soul and Ignorance. Rajoguna

manifests itself in Action, Struggle, Change, New creation

from old, victory, defeat, violence, happiness and

sadness. We are a little conscious while Rajoguna

manifests but the Gyan (Jnana) gained with Raj is false. It

misguides and nourishes the ego. Raj under effect of Tam

can create havoc. It brings staunch fanaticism, Asur

vrittis, cruelty, blind anger, selfishness, Sexual

desires, Rapes, greediness, meanness and jealousy. This

impure Rajoguna changes histories and disturbs the

balance of Nature.<br><br> Satoguna, is that power of

Nature, which is full of light, and Ananda. It manifests

itself in Creation, kindness, unconditional love,

Sympathy, and Gyan (Jnana). If Satoguna is not properly

backed by Rajoguna it degenerates into stoic inaction,

mental imbalance, and uncontrolled emotions.<br><br> No

entity in the Universe is a full manifestation of either

of these gunas and each one of us have a mixture of

these gunas working continuously on us. They create

desires in our mind. they control our actions and they

make further vrittis. At a given moment we may be

affected by the Sat, another moment by Raj and some other

moment by Tam.<br><br> We are the pure consciousness,

who should have been a silent spectator of these

gunas, but have attached ourselves to the ego of this

body, ego which is a manifestation of Nature and is

affected by other faculties and finally by the 3 gunas.

<br><br> Now how to overcome these three gunas and keep

ourselves detached from their actions and effects


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