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The three Gunas (attributes)-3

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Contd.from prev.post.<br><br>This is now evident

that if we have to transform our lower nature into a

divine instrument, then we have to first control the two

lower Gunas (viz. Tam and Raj). Tamoguna darkens the

divine knowledge and does not let it work on the dark

and mean corners of our lower nature. It draws our

strength and makes us inactive. Rajoguna though a little

better than Tam, yet deforms the divine knowledge. It

takes over our Buddhi (intelligence) and forces our ego

to see through its veiled knowledge. It incites our

Prana (Life force) and uses it into deforming the

balance of our mind and body. So much so, if we get a ray

of truth through Rajoguna, it uses this truth to

further nourish our false ego and our misdeeds.<br><br>

So to begin with we have to first get rid of these

two lower gunas with the help of the third, a little

better guna than Raj and Tam. Sat will help us in

recognising the Tam and Raj and once we start recoginising

these gunas and their workings in our psyche, it will

be easier to control them. But there is still a

problem. By its very nature, Mother Nature does not allow

either of the Gunas to work alone. Each guna has to take

help of other two in performing any task. The default

Guna of our lower nature is Tam. Tam has to be

transformed into Raj first and then Raj can be transformed

into Sat. Also any of the Guna if suppressed, it

changes into Tam and sits in the dark dungeons of our

lower nature. so what is the way out ?? We have to

first attack the Tam with the help of Raj and Sat. Any

of the qualities of Tam should be suppressed with

the action and spirit of Raj and intelligence and

knowledge of Sat. So Tam present will slowly transform

itself into Raj. Now we can safely transform Raj into

sat.<br><br> But finally we have to leave Sat also. Because if

we are using a needle to bring out a thorn, we do

not leave the needle inside the body. After we see

that we have adequate control over Tam and Raj we can

safely start suppressing Sat also and start living in

Pure consciousness.<br><br> How to do this

Practically, is the Hindus way of Meditation. In our

philosophy, we not only underestand properly, what we are, we

also know what is Meditation and what effect it will

have on our body and mind. We can, to begin with,

first find out which guna is mainly reflecting from

our<br>personality is it Tam, Raj or Sat and then try changing

ourselves from lower to higher. But we have to be very

careful while finding out this as our Manas (Mind) is

very clever and always shows us a reasons for our bad

deeds. Even a murderer has beautiful explanation on why

he is correct in murdering. We have to analyse

ourselves with clarity, and cruelty….we have to analyse

ourselves like our own enemies and find out our misdeeds

hidden behind the veil of ignorance.<br><br> In

forthcoming chapters we would be discussing some practical

Meditations. But first we will look into the functioning of

the body and mind so that we first understand the

System of the two only then would we be able rectify the

problems.<br><br>Hari Om Tat


____________<br>concluded 3 gunas

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