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Friends here is the most wonderful post of SS on

visions and miracles in


VISIONS<br><br>Before anything is said on visions and miracles we must

carefully note that ;<br>1- No two persons in the world

have same visions, even if they are doing same

sadhna<br>2- Total absence of visions does not prove our

sadhna to be futile<br>3- We are ourselves the best

judge to interpret our visions…others may just give an

idea.<br>4- There is no harm in discussing vision for

analytical purpose with like minded sadhakas. If revealed to

boast yr sadhna, the visions stop

immediately.<br><br>Like dream stage is a proof of our sleep, visions are

proof of our sadhna. Two type of persons do not approve

visions. One - those who have attained Nirvikalpa samadhi

and are away from the clutches of Maya. Two - those

who have satisfied themselves after their intellect

assured them that they know the truth, but have not done

any practical sadhna . All other sadhkas be it

Bhakti, be it Gyan be it Hathh or Raj yoga, Kriya Yoga or

Tantra or anything will certainly get some visions when

their sadhna is well established. Before we go deeper

into the reasons as to why we have visions I would

like to illustrate a few examples taken from

authenticated persons (some of them are in our club). It wil

give us an insight into what we are discussing

:-<br><br>1- Sadhak "Yogananand "(Autobiography of a yogi)

…When my guru touched my chest, I felt as if breath has

been drawn out of my body and suddenly I started

seeing the things in Vibration. I could even see what is

going on behind the wall. then everything changed into

light and there was light all around" <br><br>2-

sadhaka "A" Male age 40 yrs doing Shiva Japa for 2 years

- ' …then after getting into nothingness for a

while, I awoke during my mediation…and saw myself

standing before a cobweb made of strange material which

was self-illuminating….I saw a snake like thing

moving in the centre of the cob-web…then I got

frightened and woke up from my sadhna . ( had Seen Muladhara

chakra, with kundilini in it)<br><br>3-Sadhka "B" aged 60

yrs male…doing "Khwaja Khijra" mantra (urdu word for

Neptune) for 40 days -Then I heard noise and suddenly saw

dozen of serpents falling down from ceiling near me,

they were crawly and hissing in a fierce way. I left

my Japa and ran away (The sadhka later got high

fever and was revived by his Muslim


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  • 5 years later...

Jnana induces Bhakti. Bhakti is to be proved by service to get the grace of Lord. Rama did not give hanuman any vision. Radha was also not given any divine vision. Hanuman was searching for Rama in the chain given by Sita. He wants to see Lord Rama by open eyes only. The proof of this can be, 'when Sita gave Hanuman gold chain of jeweles, Hanuman was breaking each jewel to see Lord Rama in that chain with Open Eyes.

One should concentrate or strive for developing devotion [True Love without any expectation] towards Lord. Lord gives visions for improving our faith in Him. So we should not get carried away by the visions only. Later on we have to shift to the seeking of spiritual knowledge, which only can induce real devotion towards Him. If He stops giving visions, we will not be interested to sit in the meditation also. Moreover in the meditation after closing the eyes, if we keep on searching for something, is it the real devotion?

Actually, at the highest stage, like 'Hanuman' [Top most Devotee] never experienced any vision. Lord Rama has not given any vision to Hanuman and Hanuman also did not ask for that.

Vision of God is granted here itself by seeing present Human Incarnation, without closing eye. One's aim is not seeing the Lord, but pleasing the Lord through service to Him.

Ex: if I see the president of my country, what is the benefit I am going to get out of it? Just a momentary happiness. But, if I do something by which I can get his soft corner that helps me in getting some favour from him.

Hence, catch hold of Human Incarnation and serve Him here itself. You can get liberation here itself. Liberation when you are alive.

at the lotus feet of swamiji



beirut_ka_baba <no_reply> wrote: Visions

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, prakki surya <dattapr2000



> Jnana induces Bhakti. Bhakti is to be proved by service to get the


Dear Surya,


As I wrote in my post, absence of visions does not mean "No

Progress". Most of the visions i have mentioned are felt/seen by

those who are regular in sadhna of Japa Yoga, Vipasana, pranayama



Of course Bhakti is a very high form of Sadhna, and the names

you have mentioned (Like Hanuman, Radha etc) are already beyond the

human consciousness. Hanuman was incarnation of Shiva's

consciousness and Radha was embodiment of Prakriti. For these

people dreams visions etc mean nothing as they are beyond these

signs fixed for human beings.


If we start climbing a mountain, we will come across different

vegetations which tell us the height we are on. Like the trees

between 2000-3000 meters are not seen on plains. Similarly the

higher we go, the plants and vegetations change. At snow-line

levels (app 4000 mtrs), trees vanish and we see small plants with

flowers..a little higher and we see no plants and only snow. We can

being observing the plants...know how much we have climbed


Visions and dreams of sadhna are an indicator by Nature telling

us about our progress. Visions have no benefit,except that. If one

is engrossed in visions, the progress may slow or stop.


Bhakti may give slow progress in the beginning, but once on high

grounds of Bhakti, the Bhaktas also see visions of his deity. Mira

Bai used to see Krishna and talk to him. Paramhansa used to see

Kali. All these are nothing but higher form of visions.


I fully agree with you that we should develop devotion...but in

todays world...bhakti is really very difficult. Every person may not

have mental set-up for being a Bhakta. Some prefer Vedanta, some

Tantra, some go for Karma Yoga.


Bhakti, devotion, Karma Yoga, Gyan, Tantra, Yoga all path

finally meet at one point... The Divine Love, which is our aim




with love



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Seems you dont have any visions, so you automatically assume anyone

who has is wrong.


Hanuman is a bad example to choose. Hanuman had the 8 great Siddhis-

make your body as big or small, as heavy or light, make your self

invisible, fly in air etc. As such he didnt need visions. He was

already a perfected being, a Siddh.

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Jnana leads to Bhakti (devotion), the practical proof the Bhakti is serva or karma yoga. these are not different paths to reach the Lord but are different steps of the same path to reach lord.

karma yoga (seva) is service to Lord. Prayers, meditation & discussions form theoretical bhakti and karmaphala tyaga and karma sanyasa put together (seva) form practical bhakti.


Karma yoga or Service is proof of the real love. Mother serves her child by sacrifice of work like giving bath, dressing etc., for years together continuously. Father serves child by sacrifice of fruit of his entire hard work. It is a clear practical point that proof of real love is only service. If you serve your family, you love your family. If you serve entire world, you love creation. If you serve creator, you love creator. This is only the real devotion.

'karmayogena yoginaam…’ Here Lord Krishna is giving definition of Yogi. Whoever participates in service of Lord is Yogi. Many people do social service, but we do not call them yogis. We call Swami Vivekananda or such type of people only yogis. Yogi does service to Lord.

So bhakti (practical) is highest. Otherwise, anybody can claim that he/she is a great devotee. Right from beginning of creation, if you see real list of devotees, it is very short. Ex: Atri,Anasuya, Hanuman, Lakshmana, Sita, Bharata, Sabari, Satrughna, Radha, Gopikas, Prahlada, Saktuprastha, Sudama, Meera, Siriyala, Kannappa, Tukaram, Annamayya, Goda, Vivekananda, Vishnu Datta & a few more.

at the lotus feet of swamiji


beirut_ka_baba <no_reply> wrote:

I fully agree with you that we should develop devotion...but in

todays world...bhakti is really very difficult. Every person may not

have mental set-up for being a Bhakta. Some prefer Vedanta, some

Tantra, some go for Karma Yoga.


Bhakti, devotion, Karma Yoga, Gyan, Tantra, Yoga all path

finally meet at one point... The Divine Love, which is our aim


with love











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What should a Hindu do (in terms of prayers; charity, pilgrimage etc.,) to attain heaven?


as far as i know, there are no clear guidelines for a Hindu to follow to acheive the final goal in life, which is 'moksham' or heaven. i hope an answer would be the best gift a Hindu can receive.


Yours in Lionism/Ln. Baby Moothaparambil (This is for my Fellow-Lions!)

With best wishes/Baby Moothaparambil (This is for my other contacts!!)

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prakki surya <dattapr2000 >


Monday, 11 December, 2006 8:23:00 PM

Re: Visions in Sadhna


Jnana leads to Bhakti (devotion), the practical proof the Bhakti is serva or karma yoga. these are not different paths to reach the Lord but are different steps of the same path to reach lord.


karma yoga (seva) is service to Lord. Prayers, meditation & discussions form theoretical bhakti and karmaphala tyaga and karma sanyasa put together (seva) form practical bhakti.


Karma yoga or Service is proof of the real love. Mother serves her child by sacrifice of work like giving bath, dressing etc., for years together continuously. Father serves child by sacrifice of fruit of his entire hard work.. It is a clear practical point that proof of real love is only service. If you serve your family, you love your family. If you serve entire world, you love creation. If you serve creator, you love creator. This is only the real devotion.


'karmayogena yoginaam…’ Here Lord Krishna is giving definition of Yogi. Whoever participates in service of Lord is Yogi. Many people do social service, but we do not call them yogis. We call Swami Vivekananda or such type of people only yogis. Yogi does service to Lord.


So bhakti (practical) is highest. Otherwise, anybody can claim that he/she is a great devotee. Right from beginning of creation, if you see real list of devotees, it is very short. Ex: Atri,Anasuya, Hanuman, Lakshmana, Sita, Bharata, Sabari, Satrughna, Radha, Gopikas, Prahlada, Saktuprastha, Sudama, Meera, Siriyala, Kannappa, Tukaram, Annamayya, Goda, Vivekananda, Vishnu Datta & a few more.


at the lotus feet of swamiji



beirut_ka_baba <no_reply@ s.com> wrote:


I fully agree with you that we should develop devotion...but in

todays world...bhakti is really very difficult. Every person may not

have mental set-up for being a Bhakta. Some prefer Vedanta, some

Tantra, some go for Karma Yoga.


Bhakti, devotion, Karma Yoga, Gyan, Tantra, Yoga all path

finally meet at one point... The Divine Love, which is our aim


with love






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baby_moothaparambilji, Moksha is the not the same as achieving heaven.

"Heaven" is just one of the planets in the Astral Universe. There are

many such- different ones for Christians, Muslims etc, so they can all

claim theirs is the only religon. But these are temporary resting

places, & the soul is forced to retake birth after enjoying time in

these so called "heavens".


Powerful Gods like Vishnu, Shiva, Hanuman have their own planets, into

which only their own Bhaktas are allowed. Going to such "heavens" is

better than going to the other ones, as you will be with your deity, &

hence not forget about God. But even people who goto these planets

have to be reborn(some sects dont agree with this, claiming that

reaching the planet of your deity is Moksha itself). However, even if

you have to retake birth after reaching these planets, your Ishta

Devtaa will ensure you get an excellent birth where you can continue

your spiritual progress, & thats why going to these planets is better

than going to normal enjoyment type "heavens".


Regarding Moksha, there are many types of Mokshas, just like there are

many heavens-& how to achieve it also depends on which path you

choose. Merging with your Ishta Devtaa is one, which is what Bhakti

Yoga says. Merging into the silent Brahma is what Shankaracharyas

Adwait Vedant preaches. Buddhists believe in destroying all your Karma

& desires, which makes them into Super Astral beings, but whether this

is Moksha or the final step is highly debatable.


I personally believe in Sri Aurobindos way. He said we should bring

down the Light of the Divine & purify the 5 bodies(physical, pranic,

mental, Knowledge & Bliss). Once that happens, anywhere we are will

become heaven.


Sri Aurobindo disagreed with the tradionalists- he said merging with

yor personal God or the silent Brahma could be a temporary stage, but

it certainly wasnt the final step, as Hindus & Buddhists had been

preaching(& still do).


In this, Sri Aurobindo was very close to the Tantric view, who also

believe in becoming enlightened while still living in world rather

than waiting for death.

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, Baby Dineshan Moothaparambil

<baby_moothaparambil wrote:


> namaskaram:


> What should a Hindu do (in terms of prayers; charity, pilgrimage

etc.,) to attain heaven?


> as far as i know, there are no clear guidelines for a Hindu to

follow to acheive the final goal in life, which is 'moksham' or

heaven. i hope an answer would be the best gift a Hindu can receive.



Welcome to our Satsang to Dineshan, Ravi, and all other new



As per Hinduism, Moksha and Heaven are two different things.

Charity, prayers and pilgrimage do not lead to Moksha. These things

only create good karma, and to get fruits for good Karma, one goes to

Heaven, enjoys the fruits of his karma...and takes re-birth as better

human again....this cycle continues till we get Moksha.


Heaven is transitory and not eternal as our philosophy. Moksha

is altogether different from heavens. Moksha is when we reach the

consciousness realms of our deity or our consciousness merges into

the supreme consciousness.


For Moksha our scriputres give the tri-path of Gyan, Bhakti and

Karma. The fourth and the most powerful path is Yoga and Tantra.

In Yoga Vashitha, sage vashishtha tells Shri Rama - With Punyas (good

karma) one gets to heaven, and when a lot of good Karma of many birth

are ripened together...one turns towards the path of God or the path

of Truth.


All the paths for Moksha are mentioned well in our scriputres.

I have written a long post, a few months ago "Sadhna for Beginners".

It will help a lot those who wish to start their journey on the path

of Moksha.


Kindly post your question on the particular path, so that we can

perhaps write more on that


with my love



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