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Contd from prev-post:<br><br>4 - sadhaka "c" aged

39 years male doing OM sadhna - I suddenly saw my

self made of vibrations and started growing in height.

My feet were firmly on the ground but my head was

going up like a light ray, I could see my city, then my

country, then earth, solar system, and galaxies, running

behind my gaze as seen from a running train. Then I

reached the end of the universe….and broke opened the

shell..and I found my head coming out of one atom's centre .

<br><br>5- Sadhaka "d" female aged 42 years - doing Bhakti

sadhna ---- At times I see clear blue sky by my closed

eyes….with stars twinkling as if smiling at me. then I am

lost in the great ocean of love of Krishna "<br><br>6-

sadhaka "e" male aged 20 years doing TM - I lost into

nothingness and suddenly regained my consciousness and saw

myself wearing rags and in shabby condition . I was

shocked to see myself in such a poor state I cried and

woke up…I was panting. (This sadhaka later suffered

great difficulties, owing to financial failures of his

father).<br><br>7- Sadhaka "f" female aged 36 years….karma yogi - I

was having an afternoon nap when I saw a dream…it was

vivid…I saw myself in a car driven by brother-in-law and

as the car advanced, it lost its wheels then the

body, then the machine…and finally brother was holding

the steering but we were still advancing as if in a

car ( The week after…her brother in law's car was

stolen…and when retrieved by police later…was found to be

without wheels, accessories and many parts

missing)<br><br>These are a few examples to show how correct the

visions proved irrespective of the age and path the

sadhaka was following. The visions can be divided into

four major categories :-<br><br>1- Visions coming from

purification of Chitta…These visions are mostly seen in the

beginning days of sadhna. A Sadhaka normally sees himself

with giants, serpents, evil spiritis…or sees himself

in very shabby and poor condition . Often one is

afraid and the concentration breaks…..but these should

be seen bravely as when these type of visions are

seen, it indicates some very bad karma or our own evil

desires are dying … These type of visions denote progress

in Sadhna.<br><br>contd.....................

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