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Five Bodies of the Soul

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Saint Vivekananada in his famous book “RajaYoga”

has beautifully explained the working mechanism of

our physical and psychic bodies. I am taking help of

Vivekananada in explaining this system.<br><br> When we see an

object, say a mango, the first observation is made by the

eye. The light rays from the mango pass through the

lense of the eyes and make its inverted image on the

retina of both the eyes. This image is then transformed

into electric pulses by the retina and passed on to

brain for further action. The brain first inverts the

images and mingles them to make a 3D shape of mango. Now

comes the action of Psychic centres, We have a subtle

eye in the brain ( we also have all organs of the

body in subtle forms in the brain. These subtles

organs make a circle around Manas (the lower mind which

is responsible for synchronisation of the organs).

So the subtle eye presents the information about a

mango to the Manas who sends the information to Chitta

(sub-conscious mind, which is a store house of all our past

memories and is partly connected to the Universal Chitta

too). The Chitta on getting the information from Manas,

sends back the Vrittis (subtle currents of energry)

concerning mango telling Manas its name, qualities, action

to be taken. These vrittis are filtered through our

Buddhi (intelligence) which decides about the action to

be taken, keeping in view the present circumstances.

Suppose it acccepts that the mango be eaten, Manas orders

the subtle arm to pick up the mango, the subtle arm

transforms that subtle signal into gross nervous orders and

sends it to physical hand which picks up the mango

peels it and puts it into the mouth. The tongue sends

signals to the Manas about the taste of the mango, and

manas passes this information to Chitta where this

experience is stored again as


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