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Continuation of old posts from


__<br> Three main faculties of self viz. Body,

Intelligence and Heart (emotional part of mind), play a vital

role in attaining Moksha. Those who are more centred

on body take the path of karma Yoga and attain

salvation, those with sharp intellect go for Gyan (Jnana)

yoga and those with heart opt for Bhakti.<br><br> Most

of our intellectual friends, see Bhakti as a lower

form of religious path and normally are away from

Bhakti and bhakta both. They can not be fully blamed for

this, as the bhakta in the beginning do not show higher

signs of progress and are normally fanatics about their

deity. But Bhakti when develops into divine love, a

Bhakta ceases to be fanatic and sees his deity in all

forms of god. It is easy for any average brained person

to become Gyani by reading some books and listening

to discourses, but it is not possible to be a bhakta

by reading or practicing. Bhakti develops itself

from within. Divine love itself takes form of immense

love for God and changes a common girl into Mirabai.

this divine love transforms a common weaver into

Kabir, a normal cow-herd boy into Guru Nanak and a

helpless blind in great Bhakta Surdas, a school-dropout

into a nobel prize winner Rabindra Nath Tagore and a

shepherd into Great Christ.<br><br> So those who have

received this inner divine love developed are far more

better than a dry intellectual who has read thousands of

books on God. We can with our Samkalpa become gyani or

karam yogi or Hathha yogi, but we can not become a

Bhakta by mere samkalpa, because a Bhakta is the one who

is chosen by God himself for his love. In

Gyaneshawari Geeta Krishna tells," Though all path equally

reach me, but It is a Bhakta who is really loving to

me. I do his Karma, I feed him, I take him on my

shoulders and dance with joy, I show him my Universe by

taking him in my lap. He is away from all sins and all

wraths of nature. a Bhakta lives in me and I live in

Him."<br><br> <br> Kabir has written "Pothhi Pad Pad jag Muaa,

Pandit Bhaya na koye----Dhai Aakhar Prem ke, pade so

pandit hoye" those reading thick books, never become

Pandit (learned), only 2 and half words of Love are

sufficient to become a Gyani.<br><br> Mirabai, Soordas,

Tulsidas, Hanuman, Kabir, guru Nanak, christ Paramhamnsa

are some of the bhaktas of our times.we may take

their examples and see how divine love changed their

lives. <br><br> Memebrs are urged to post on Bhakti in

more details so that we understand what a real Bhakti

is and give a confirmation that Bhakti is not a path

of less intellectuals but a Great path of God's




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