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Five Bodies of the Soul---2

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Contd from prev-post....<br> All these Actions

are reflected on the screen of Ego, beyond which our

soul merely sees as a spectator the whole episode, and

gives its silent acceptance.<br><br><br> Hence we see

now that soul is encircled by Ego which is encircled

by Chitta. Similarly we have Buddhi, Manas, subtle

organs and subtle Prana and after which we come to

Physical prana and physical organs. All these faculties

are so beautifully attached to the system of

ourselves that every action, though has a lot of

sub-procedures, yet looks like one action. This oneness of action

is the main reason of our pressence, ourselves as

human beings. It is possible to see all the sub-actions

in working through Meditation. In fact that is the

sole aim of our meditation. To distinguish between

different faculties of ourselves and deduce the pure

consciousness out of this.<br><br> Now we can understand the

five bodies of the soul. As per Swami Yogananda , the

Universe has Four planes of consciousness viz. Pure

counsciousness (soul/god), Causal Plane, Astral plane and

Physical plane. Except soul, all other Planes have their

sub-planes. We will now see what the five bodies are made of

:-<br><br>1- Annamaya Body - consists of our physical body,

and gross organs<br><br>2- Pranic Body - is made of 5

type of Prana (Life-force)<br><br>3 - Manomaya body -

consists of Manas + five subtle work organs<br><br>4-

Vigyanmaya Body - consists of Buddhi (Intelligence) + 5

subtle sensory organs.<br><br>5- Anandamaya Body -

consists of Chitta and Ego.<br><br><br>These bodies fall

into different planes as under:-<br><br>1- Physical

Plane - Physical Body <br><br>2- Astral Plane - Pranic

Body + Manomaya Body <br><br>3- Causal Plane -

Vigyanmaya Body + Anandmaya Body<br><br>4- Soul - None of

these bodies.<br><br> The Tantra of this arrangement is

that Physical body is a manifestation of Manomaya body

which controls it through Pranic Body. similarly

Manomaya body is a manifestation of Vigyanmana Body is

controlled by it and so on. It is like an onion…each peal is

different body..having other bodies in its womb.<br><br> It

is possible by Meditation to bring our Chetna (Focus

of consciousness) to any of the bodies…..When we are

conscious in our Manomaya body, the physical body numbs and

we awake into Astral world. When we take our chetna

further upto Vigyan or Ananada Bodies we awake into

Causal world….and leaving consciousness of all these

bodies….takes us to our glorious Truth. <br><br> It is not

possible to jump to any body. The only way out is to go to

these bodies one by one know it understand its working

and then go over to next body…….this is what

Meditation is.<br><br> <br><br> One can not just reach the

Ultimate Truth in a jump. We have to be patient.

Understand the 3 gunas, the 5 bodies and their workings and

when we well understand these things, we can easily

throw away these bodies and become Pure Consciousness

which is God Himseslf.<br><br> Understanding the 5

bodies will explain, our position in dreams….and what

happens to us after death..<br>and what happens in



______________________<br>Unfortunately I do not have the second part of this

post, if

anyone has it may please post.<br><br>Shiva

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