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This is true that the enlighteneed souls do

wander among us with the sole aim of helping us see the

truth. They may look to be angry, sad or happy but they

use these emotions as tools not for revenge. They do

not hate anyone and do not harm anyone. when we sit

with them or talk with them, our body vibrates and

responds to their voice. There is no sign which can be

fixed for enlightened souls…only we know we are with an

enlightened soul.<br><br> Advanced sadhka do exhibhit certain

outward signs. during my many visits to Himalayas and my

meeting with many saints, I have noted certain qualities

possessed by them. We can not pin-point on the basis of

these qualities, that a person is advanced sadhaka and

has reached higher realms, but we can certainly

recognise many of these qualities in a person under test

and find out if he is truly a sadhaka or yet on the

lower grounds of sadhana and is still struggling with

lower nature.<br><br><br> Advanced Sadhakas show most

of the following qualities/signs:-<br><br>1 - They

normally remain calm and peaceful. They do become angry,

but their anger is not on personal grounds, and they

cool down easily.<br><br>2 - As against popular belief

that an advanced sadhaka is serious by nature, I have

found that most of the <br>higher souls are normally

very happy and witty personalities. They do not wear a

mask of Intellectual seriousness. Their eyes are

smiling and they take everything easily. They crack light

jokes very often.<br><br>3- Advanced sadhaka do not

sleep long. Most of them sleep for about 3/4 hours and

none of them sleep during the day. I never saw a real

sadhu/saint taking an afternoon


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