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Guru ??

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Dear Tatwamasi you are very right I am again

telling about my exp, which i earlier told in old

club.<br><br> I wandered a lot in search of a guru. First time,

i made one my guru, but his rich chelas never

allowed me to talk to him in person and i can not treat a

leader of crowd as my guru who has no time for my

personal sadhna questions.<br><br>Then I went to another,

who was interested in getting money in name of

asharam or charity. I did not get moksha but my purse

became empty and i ran away<br><br>The third I got at

Haridwar, who was more interested in giving Mukti to his

chelas by sodomy. i survived and left further

search.<br><br> Now i am simply chanting Shiva japa for three

years and doing fine. I in fact do not need a guru, as

shiva japa is giving me all what i needed<br>peace and

happiness.<br><br> Ofcourse, sadhna club worked as my guru too,

where i got valuable information on practical aspects

of sadhna.<br><br> My question is do we really need

guru ??? Cant we do it ourselves ? <br><br>vinod

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Vinodji!<br>You ask, do we really need guru ???

Cant we do it ourselves ? <br><br>i think we get

wrapped up in the word guru sometimes. Lets call him/her

teacher. So, you want to learn chess? Fine! We buy a book

and get rudimentary instruction. We know the moves.

We know how to play (i use this example because i

learned chess at 8 yrs old this way). We play with our

friends and think ourselves quite good after a while. Or

at least i did. Then i was offered to play in a

chess tournament with the US Chess Federation. Oh my

Goddddd! i got my ass kicked!!!!! There is a

conclusion...books dont do it alone. Here, we have two choices,

practice or a teacher. i practiced alone for years (20)

and i got SLOWLY better only when i got my ass

kicked. Then one day after a brutal beating had the my

opponent explain my faults. He had a great rating and was

wise beyond his years. (16)My eyes opened wider than

ever because i missed many of my mistakes which were

do to ego. (Yeah, he'll never see this combination!

Right...) <br><br>Many chess players are not so kind, they

kick your ass and move on snickering at your

stupidity. They play for name and fame. Once in a while

though you get that teacher who lets you practice and

teaches you. Name and fame mean nothing to them, they

play for the love of the game. That boy took YEARS off

my game and taught me a love for chess that went

beyond winning and losing. <br><br>Vinodji, i could have

played until i died and not be as good as those few

months with that teacher. He cut me no slack. It was his

pleasure that i got better and his desire was that i would

one day beat him. (And when i did, only once mind

you, he said, "very good, now lets try it

blindfolded...")<br><br>Again, point is that the real teacher is rare, but out

there somewhere. The teacher may be male, female, old

or a small child. Don't fall prey to wolves in

saffron and find that teacher that wants to teach you as

badly as you want to learn. Maybe even more

so.<br><br>Does this make sense? i find personal experience makes

a complicated situation a little clearer to

understand.<br><br>aim gurave namah<br><br>>:*)

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i think we should not worry. When time comes guru

will be sent by god, like Paramhansa and yogananada

got gurus<br><br>and till that time we should

continue with whatever we know.<br><br>Guru not

necessarily means one particular person taking us on the

path, it may be a group of many we meet and learn

from.<br><br>sai ram

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