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**S A T S A N G**

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Dear friends, as shiv is away for a week, he has

asked me to post old msgs of sadhna club.<br><br> This

club is a satsang place, where we have to sing glories

of GOD, not inflate our or others egos. All our

members are mature and I hope the unfortunate

circumstances will not be created


<br><br>To worship various deities and to engage oneself in

giving away wealth in charity, in doing penance and in

the performance of sacrifices, are useful activities

for the purification of mind, but are no substitute

for the realization of SELF. Due to ignorance, there

arises the false notion that there are three entities

namely, the Jivatma(my individual soul), the Isvara (god)

and Paramatama (Supreme Consciousness). The real

wakefulness comes after forgetting names and forms and by

realizing the underlying reality, namely the SELF which may

be called Brahma, Parmatama, Allaha, God,

ParamShiva, or any such name (these names are given only for

the purpose of referring-they have no meaning

otherwise) I am <br><br>(written by SS in wake up to the


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It was well known that Bhaduri Mahasya had

forsaken great family wealth in his early childhood, when

single-mindedly he had entered the yogic path. One of his

disciple one day said, Master you are wonderful! You have

renounced riches and comforts to seek God and to teach us

Wisdom." The saint's face held a mild rebuke," You are

reversing the case! I have left a few paltry rupees, a few

petty pleasures, for a cosmic empire of endless bliss.

How then have I denied myself anything ? I know the

joy of sharing the treasure. Is that a sacrifice. The

shortsigthed wordly folk are verily the real renunciants!.

They relinquish an unparalleled divine possession for

a poor handful of earthly toys!" (from

Autobiography of a Yogi) Are we not happy with a drop too, when

the whole ocean of bliss is waiting for us ?


------------<br>From infinity onwards, I had been playing this game. I

allow my will power to divide into Vidya(knowledge) and

Avidya(Ignorance). I allow avidya to use her tools of Ego, hatered,

anger, greed, lust, desires to bind me into this small

body, and then I allow Vidya to remind me of my pure

self. This is my eternal play as knowing myself is my

ecstasy, finding myself is my bliss!


---------<br>Ancient sages of the east found my secrets and revealed

my identity in Upanishadas. Some examples:- "Ya

Prithiviyam tishathhana, Prithiviya antaro yam....Ta

Atmantarya bhaymrita" (Brahmsutra) The one who dwells in

earth (matter) but is different from earth(matter). The

one who is not known to the earth, but it is his

body. The one who controls the earth, HE is your inner

true self. "Tada vyaktamaha hi"(Vedanta) Brahma is

beyond all names and forms. HE is unmanifested pure

consciousness. "Shuddha Papaviddhama "-Isha HE is pure and

untouched by sin. "Satyam Gyanamananatam brumaha "

Taittriyo Bramha is Pure Truth, Knowledge and Infinite

"Tachchhubhram jyotisham jyoti " Mandukyo HE is the light of all

lights Mahantam vibhumatmanam matwa dhhiro na

shochati"(Katho) One who knows this great Soul transcends grief.

"Na Tatra ChakshurGachhati, na

vaggachchhati....aviditadadhi"! Keno Eyes can not see HIM, voice can not rech


nor can mind grasp him. He transcends knowledge too.

"Nanyam gunebhaya kartaram....soadhigachchhati"Gita When

man sees the three gunas as the does of karma and

when he knows the pure soul beyond Nature and its

gunas, he gets me and My Paramtattawa (supreme

consciousness) Let us get back our glory-



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There is no "My soul" and "Your Soul". There is

only one SOUL which is manifesting in different forms.

The Science of Soul (also called Brahma Vidya, Advait

Vedanta), is not for those who still think in terms of my

body, my desires. It is very difficult to think the

whole Universe as me, but who wishes to be a part of

the crowd ? The blessed ones, the higher ones, the

truthful ones decide to go on this path. To begin with, I

may start from Dwait (duality). I may worship myself

as all beings, all universe, keeping my identity as

a sparkle of the great light. This is a safe way

and does not lead to awakening of Asuras (demons) in

us. When I will start seeing my friends, my enemies,

my country-men, aliens, animals, earth, sun, stars

all as the manifestation of Brahma,the manifestation

of shiva, the manifestation of my trueself, then the

question of hurting or harming others will not arise. If

such a feeling arises, let me go back and start again

and then start again, once the thread of truth is in

my hands, it will take me to the great ocean of

mortality, the great ocean on bliss, the great ocean of

light and love.


------------------------<br><br><br>Infatuation and grief, and by implication,

pleasure and pain

arise as motives and effects of good and bad deeds; and

then as reactions of these, there arise again new

desires and new motives for actions and for their fruits.

These again will lead to grief or pleasure, and so on.

To arrest this chain of motives, actions and

effects, the remedy is to realize the unity of the True

Self (Soul) even while one is bound by that chain. No

doubt, one will necessarily engage himself in actions of

one kind or the other, so long as he is alive. But if

the actions will be disinterested even at the stage

of motives, whatever fruit they will yield, will

then neither make him too much dejected nor joyful.


------------------------<br><br>(written by silentsoul)

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