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The divine Life ?

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With my warm welcome to all new members who are

joining our Satsang! Realy_i_am, what a beautiful poem !

U r slowly manifesting your divinity...continue

please.<br><br>Dear Tulsi when one surrenders to the god, one is not

required to do any rituals like beads, temples, etc. When

We do every work for the lord, when our

individuality becomes HIS humble servant, then what ever we

speak becomes his chanting, what ever we do becomes a

Yagya (yajna), and where ever we go, we encircle round

his diety.<br><br> The divinity does not start with

japa, or karma, or jnana. These are tools to attain

divinity. The life becomes divine when we see the whole

universe as our beloved God and ourselves as his humble

servant. Until we are thinking in individual body terms,

we are far away from divinity.<br><br> and is it an

easy task ?? I can consider easily my boss, or a saint

or a higher soul as manifestation of God and respect

him as such, but is it easy to see his manifestation

in a wretched body, or in a sinner or in a

tormentor, or in a worm. There my ego comes in between and

uses its full force to make me hate that manifestation

of god.<br><br> And our journey towards divinity

starts only when we start a feeling that it is our

beloved God who is manifesting in our tormentor, and in a

wretched soul to teach us something. And then the whole

Universe becomes our teacher and we start learning fast

and divine love silently starts taking over our being

into the spiritual ecstasy. And finally He melts our

individuality into His Being and nothing separate is left

!!!<br><br> Have I not been tormented yet ? God has not yet

started loving me !!!<br><br><br>Hari Om Tat


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Aatmaa twam girijaa mati, Sahcharaa pranaa

sharirang griham!<br>Puja te vishayabhograchna nidra

samaadhisthita!<br>Sanchaara padyo pradkshinvidhi stotrani

sarvagiro!<br>yadyat karam karomi jatdkhilam shambho

twaaradhnama!!<br><br>*********************************<br><br>You are my Soul,

and Mother Girija (Parvati/shakti)

is my mind!<br>My life elements are my

fellow_travellors<br>My body is the abode, <br>my respectful adulation of

you is my enjoyment of senses<br>and my sleep is

Samadhi;<br>All movements of my feet are in the form of

Prakakshina;<br>And all my uttenrances are songs in respectful humble

obeisance to you,<br>I bow to you O my Lord Shambhu


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In agreement with your posting, i would like to

share this :<br><br>"I am Love not knowledge<br>You

cannot understand me<br>But you can love me<br>Trying to

understand me <br>leads to illusion upon illusion<br>Trying

to live me<br>Will demonstrate the blessing that

surround you<br>My face is what you perceive<br>Loving me

is loving that face<br>Every instant holds me

entirely<br><br>....<br>Love my face<br>Not just in its sweet

perfumes<br>Search unceasingly for the love of that face<br>In even

the smallest creatures<br>If you reject the bounty of

my face<br>You are rejecting Love<br>If you harm a

fraction of my face <br>you are rejecting Love"<br> Abbah

Frédéric "Fragments of Voice"

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Namaste<br><br>Also in agreement, and would like

to share some more of "Fragments of

Voice."<br><br>When water is Love.<br><br>All that you can say about

life and yourself<br>Is rooted in the profound

illusion<br>of the drop being the drop<br>and of the drop living

with other drops<br>There is no drop and there are no

other drops<br>in the realization of water<br>I came in

Love,<br>I came of Love<br>I came to Love<br>For Love is the

realization<br>In which drop and ocean melt<br><br>Your desire for

grace<br>is a mere self satisfatction<br>Your longing for

gods<br>is a lust to feel good<br>Happiness is not fed by

longing<br>Fulfillment not in achieved desires<br>Joy, happiness and

fulfillment<br>It is found in the realization<br>of the futility of

dropness<br>It is found in the realization that the drop and the

ocean are all the same water.<br><br>In Love and

Oneness, Anna

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I bow to you O divine Instrument

!!<br><br>Life...life...life<br>my body echoes;<br>the sound of

soul<br>crying....love...love...love<br><br>peace....peace...peace<br>my mind

weeps<br>the soul smiles<br>and

utters...love..love..love<br><br>Moksha..Moksha..Moksha<br>cries the ego<br>soul


replies...love..love..love !!<br><br>Have I not yet been in love ?? Was I

ever not in love ??<br><br>silentsoul

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