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Mayavadi Philosophy = Death To Devotion

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Dear Silent Soul...<br> <br> It is not my intent

to pick on you personally but the closing passage of

your contribution was a bit disturbing. There you

stated:<br><br>"...And finally He melts our individuality into His Being

and nothing separate is left !!!"<br> <br> This is

impersonal "mayavadi" philosophy and not consistent with

what Krishna indicates in the Bhagavad Gita. The

concept of universal oneness has always been a very

popular warm fuzzy myth for those who are envious of

God’s supremacy. But it will only be accepted by an

audience that is not properly informed about the

straightforward un-encumbered interpretation of the Bhagavad-Gita

wherein Krishna states quite clearly:<br><br> “Never was

there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all

these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to

be.” Bg 2.12 <br><br> The concept that peace will be

attained when we are willing to surrender our

individuality into cosmic oneness may work well for those who

are envious of God or intimidated by the concept that

He his own unique personality, but it has no

foundation in the science of self-realization as given by

Lord Krishna and confirmed by the Great Vaishnava

scholars/yogies/bhaktis. Those who have been properly trained are not

persuaded by any theology that denies Krishna's own

individual autonomy because He quite clearly states for

Himself the contrary:<br><br> “One who sees the Super

soul accompanying the individual soul in all bodies,

and who understands that neither the soul nor the

Super soul within the destructible body is ever

destroyed, actually sees.” -Bg. 13.28<br><br> The

impersonalist can never know the wonderful relationship that

develops between the individual and the Supreme Lord

because they are unwilling to surrender to the fact that

God is great and in charge of everything, and we are

small and his plenary servants. It’s a lot easier for a

proud person to prance around thinking they are God.

<br><br> There will always be those who will settle for being

cheated and there will always be charlatans who come up

with sly ways to cheat them. It is the responsibility

of those who can perceive this subtle difference to

declare it boldly that it is the devotee of Krishna who

is to be considered saintly, quickly becomes

righteous, attains peace, and never perishes EVEN if there

appears to be some external flaw. <br><br> "Even if one

commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in

devotional service he is to be considered saintly because he

is properly situate in his determination. He quickly

becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of

Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never

perishes." - Bg. 9.30-31<br><br> Lord Caitanya taught that

anyone who hears mayavadi philosophy is "Doomed". Please

take this into consideration before you broadcast

statements that negate Krishna's individuality over the

internet to innocent participants of this

forum.<br><br> Hoping this finds you earnestly engaged in the service

of Lord Krishna.<br><br>Your

servant,<br><br>mayesvara dasa<br>robertswg (M-F 7AM -

3PM)<br>mayesvara (About once a week on weekends.)

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