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Gaur Purnima ...Krishna Bhakti 1

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Krishna Consciousness or Prema Dharma is compared

to a lotus flower that gradually unfolds in due

course of time. At first it is manifest in a budding

stage which gradually blooms until it reaches its fully

blossomed stage. <br><br>The realisation of the Supreme

Lord Sri Hari, His shadow energy and the process of

devotional service (pure love), which are the subjects of

the four seed verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam (catur

sloki), were only germinating in the hearts of aspirants

at the time of Lord Brahma. <br>Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu distributed this pure love of Krishna through the

transcendental chanting of: <br><br>Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,<br>Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama

Rama Hare Hare <br><br>which is the real essence of

Bhagavat Dharma. <br><br>When the Lord desired to appear

for another reason, the time for promulgating the

religion of the age also arose. Thus with two intensions

the Lord appeared with the devotees and tasted the

nectar of prema with the congregational chanting of the

holy name. Thus He spread kirtana even among the

untouchables. He wove a wreath of the holy name and prema with

which He garlanded the entire material world. In this

way, assuming the sentiment of a devotee, He preached

devotional service while practicing it Himself.

<br><br>krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam<br>sangopangastra-parsadam<br>yajnaih

sankirtana-prayair<br>yajanti hi su-medhasah<br><br>"In the age of Kali,

intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to

worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings

the names of Krishna. His complexion is not blackish,

He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His

associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions."

<br>Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya is the initiator of

sankirtana [congregational chanting of the holy name of the

Lord]. One who worships Him through sankirtana is

fortunate indeed. Such a person is truly intelligent,

whereas others, who have but a poor fund of knowledge,

must endure a cycle of repeated birth and death. Of

all sacrificial performances, the chanting of the

Lord's holy name is the most sublime." (Chaitanya

Chitamitra 3.77-78). <br><br>Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

is the father and inaugurator of the sankirtana

movement. One who worships Him by sacrificing his life,

money, intelligence and words for the sankirtana

movement is recognized by the Lord and endowed with His

blessings. All others may be said to be foolish, for of all

sacrifices in which man may apply his energy, a sacrifice

made for the sankirtana movement is the most glorious.

<br><br>"O my merciful Lord Chaitanya, may the nectarean

Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on

the surface of my desert-like tongue. Beautifying

these waters are the lotus flowers of singing, dancing

and loud chanting of Krishna's holy name, which are

the pleasure abodes of unalloyed devotees. These

devotees are compared to swans, ducks and bees. The

river's flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens

their ears." (Chaitanya Chitamitra , 2.2)

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