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Mayavadi Philosophy = Death To Devot

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My dear mayesvara,<br><br> I bow to your devotion

to Lord krishna. His Bhakta are as dear to me as HE

himself is. <br><br>You have mentioned that :-<br>"One

who sees the Super soul accompanying the individual

soul in all bodies, and who understands that neither

the soul nor the Super soul within the destructible

body is ever destroyed, actually sees.” -Bg.

13.28"<br><br> shloka 28 of chapter 13 of Geeta is not this,

hence please re-check the records.<br><br> when I wrote

that our individuality melts into the supreme

consiciousness, it was not Mayavadi view, but Vedantic view the

highest philosophy of Hinduism duly established by

Shankryacharya and many other great saints of recent

years.<br><br> Shri Krishna also confirmed Vedanta in Geeta a

few examples are as follows :-<br><br>=>Yada Bhoot

Prithgmavme kasthha manu pashyati.....taths..13/30) -One

becomes Brahm(Paramatma) who realizes that diverse beings

abide in and emanate from the one

(Prakriti)<br><br>=> "Mang cha yovya abhicharena Bhakti.....kalpate

(14/26) - He who is of service to me alone in virtue of

unwavering yoga of devotion, rises above the influence of

the gunas and becomes fit for the attainment of the

state of Brahma (Parmatama). etc.....etc..<br><br>

Mayavadi Philosphy is in fact based on Sankhya philosophy

discovered by Sage Kapil Muni, and which confirms the

presence of Purusha, Prakriti and individual soul. This

philosophy categorically denied the presence of any god.

Whereas Vedanta confirms that one Brahm(Pramtama,

paramsiva, krishna) manifests himself into the universe

through Prakriti, his own will power.<br><br> Anyhow,

when a drop of water (Jiva) goes into the vast

ocean(say krishna), the drop loses its identity and becomes

one with the ocean. though the drop may choose to be

a drop while in ocean, but it will be personal to

the drop not to the ocean.<br><br>Hari


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one can become a historian <br>by studying

history of philosophy;<br>or a philosopher <br>by

studying philosophy of love;<br>or a lover <br>by studying

love of God and<br>or even God<br>by loving

God.<br>(Tat tvam asi:it is you ;it is within you)<br>this is

my two cents<br>dasan

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