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Did God's Mission Fail ????

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Dear Friends, <br><br> I have received a very

thoughtful question from a co-sadhaka. He writes ......"

There had been many incarnations of God like Krishna

Rama Buddha etc. and there had been many of his great

angels coming down to earth to teach us the message of

Love, peace and religion. Great souls like Christ,

Mohamed, Guru Nanak, Kabir, Vivekananada, Yogananada, came

to earth and spread the message of God. BUT they all

togather could not eradicate the sorrows and grief from

the world. I see the world after these great soul's

arrivals did not change. We are as mean as we were, we are

as non-religious as we were, and we are as

non-loving as we were. Still there are wars, still there is

hatered and still there is tyrranny.<br><br> Does it mean

God him self or his angels all could not fight with

the evil in us. Did God's Mission Fail ?? """<br><br>

I request all my co-sadhakas to present their views

on this question, so that I could send him a well

discussed reply.<br><br>thanks<br><br><br>silentsoul

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A very important question silentsoul, especially

for some of us who so very much want to draw a clear

line between good and evil.<br>It seems that with the

advent of all the great souls, there always has taken

place a quantum jump in mankind's understanding of

spiritual issues as a whole. One suspects a supreme

intelligence working behind these happenings(incarnations) to

cause the evolution process.<br>Although Vivekananda is

not here now but his teachings still echo and all of

us are still in the process of assimilating them.

But why does it appear that when the very same

teachings when told by Vivekananda directly had a

tremendous impact upon people ? even on seemingly

spiritually unievolved ones ?<br>What is this force behind

the teachings of all the great ones that make them so

effective in our spiritual evolution when coming directly

from the 'horse's mouth', so to say ?<br>Though wars

are sad, but aren't they the culmination

(karma-phala) of certain faults within ourselves ? Hence wars

are sad but why are we bent upon labelling them as

BAD while actually the fault lies elsewhere !<br>It

is something like blaming the effect rather than

cause. But the series of cause and effect runs very long

for each cause is an effect of another one.<br>Why

shouldn't we go at the root cause of all "evil" ?<br>The

wars, the hatred and tyranny are all but effects of

some of our faults.<br>All the great ones, it seems,

have come to remove this chain of cause-effect as

deeply as possible rather than remove the gross efects

like wars. That would be just symptomatic relief

!<br>It is said and many of us may have observed

sometimes that when we get the graces of a satguru, why do

we have to pass through terrible difficulties and

struggle at first ?<br>Do the teachings from books do this

kind of 'proper' job ? May be in some 'ready'

people.<br>"For I am still a fool after aeons of learning, that

you have to come again and again to gently teach me",

wonder how long will this gentle teachings go on until

we, due to our inherent foolishness, really #@$% it

up.<br>Excuse the 'emotions', but no better word for what

mankind is headed to.<br>regards really

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Dear Silentsoul....<br><br>I must reply to your

co-sadhaka's question: "Did God's mission fail".<br><br>God

never fails...we do. Because we were given<br>free

will, God won't interfere with our nonsense of war,

inhumanity, hatred and all the other perversions of His

divine will. He simple wants us to quit misqualifying

His Light and return to His consciousness...that's

what the ascension is all about.<br>In addition, the

angels won't interfere unless we invoke their

assistance.<br><br>With all the Messengers, angels, prophets that have

been sent to raise our consciousness we still

outpicture hate and hate creations because we simple aren't

listening but become caught up<br>in the human side of life

and don't outpicture the divine.<br><br>Thank you for

letting me put in my two cents'


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Hello silentsoul.....<br><br>I for one do not

think God's mission failed, I think if it failed we

would not be here talking about this.....Tell your

friend I do not choose to think of the negitive...I can

feel the love flow into my body as I am trying to come

up with words, I choose to send this love out to the

world, If we all choose to send this love out to the

world who knows Gods plan might be right on

target.......heehee<br><br>I am sending peace and love for one another and it

is on the wind......Namaste jeffrey

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Dearest Silent Soul!<br>This will never happen.

Remember, we are awaiting the last yuga incarnation of Lord

Krsna as Lord Kalki who will destroy the demons,

restore dharma, and rescue the faithful. There is not

coincidence that this incarnation resembles the return of

Lord Jesus with the same mission.<br><br>jaya kalkiaya


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Om mahotsAhAya namah!<br><br>We chose to

experience this human existence because of an

misunderstanding that we are individuals. Through study of

scripture, like Sri Sankara's "The Crest Jewel of Wisdom,"

we learn right understanding about our oneness and

through meditation we verify the Truth.<br>God's mission

is right on, acceptance of this can aleviate a lot

of mental gymnastics. <br>Namaste'<br>In Love and

Peace, Anna

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Most of the people the great saints came directly

in contact with, with were blessed. Many more were

inspired. <br>Incidentally, most of them were not there at

the same time on this earth. If they were, may be the

world would have been a different place.<br>God didnt

fail, I dont believe God can fail. God tried to deal

with humanity in a peaceful manner. <br>As Peggy said,

and as many religions have talked about, it is time

for God to come down and judge mankind.

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hmmm.. interesting question...<br><br>i am

reminded of the countless times in this life<br>that i

have looked at my life and spiraled downward<br>into

depression as i reviewed what i saw as my<br>failures... in

hindsight convinced if only i had<br>done this or that....

i would not have failed...<br><br>i was taught as a

child that god is omnipotent, <br>omnipresent,

omniscent... i have come to believe<br>that this is true, that

there is only the One...<br>all-present, all-knowing,

all-powerful...<br><br>this weekend i went for a psychic reading...

and<br>was told that i find myself now on path a...

in<br>about three months, i will make a decision to

take<br>either path b or c... but that i am really headed<br>for

path d.... and that path b and path c both<br>lead

straight to path d... <br><br>who am i? am i divinity

manifesting? if i am, how<br>can i fail? or am i rather a

creation of divinity?<br>if i am, will divinity abandon me

to fail? and if<br>divinity is all-present... where

could i go to <br>become abandoned? where is there not

divinity?<br><br>i am so small... so insignificant in this

large<br>wonderous beautiful creation of endless universes..<br>and

yet, whether i am divinity, or child of<br>divintiy,

it seems as if there is no possiblity of<br>me

failing...and if not me, then how can god fail? <br><br>is

there such a thing as failure? and if i choose<br>path

b, when i reach a time of struggle, will i<br>forget

it leads only to path d? and look back, and<br>say,

oh i should have taken path c.. i have

failed.<br><br>this sight of mine is so limited... how much

of<br>what i see do i truly understand? how much do

i<br>truly understand of the vastness of the one?

those<br>happenings that i label as successes or failures,<br>are

they in fact either? or are these ideas of<br>success

and failure only a sign of the

limited<br>understandings of my mind?<br><br>i do not know... but i think

the divinity does... :)<br><br>namaste.<br><br>om

shanti shanti shanti

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dear hermitsrus and peggy It is not a question of

Negativity or the next incarnation. If nine incarnations of

Krishna could not do anything to restore peace, we can

not expect more from tenth.<br><br> The question I

feel deals with the human psyche. So Many incarnations

and prophets, could not change the world. A man of

today is not better than a man of yesteryears.<br><br>

I think the prophets and incarnations gave a

certain way to attain Moksha and those who follow them

correctly get it, others continue with their plight. and

the chosen ones are not many, the best are a

few.<br><br> I also feel, there can never be total peace in

the universe because there can be No positive energy

without negative energies.

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