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Star Trek Spiritualism

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Hello,<br><br>Namaste & Pranams.<br><br> Many of

you are familiar with the philosophical concept known

as "mayavadi" philosophy. It is also referred to as

"Advaita" which means "Non-Dual". This philosophy suggests

that the absolute final conclusion of all truth

resides in "Brahman" realization where there is not

individuality or distinction between matter and spirit.

Advocates of this philosophy are fond of citing the

Sanskrit sutra... "Tat-Twam-Asmi" which means

"You-Are-That".<br><br> The obvious flaw in mayavadi philosophy is easily

recognized when one considers basic logic. By definition the

"Absolute Truth" must include everything that exists within

the universe. Everything that we perceive or

experience must be inclusive within that Absolute Truth or

else it is not consistent to refer to it as the

Absolute Truth. <br><br> Those who are rigorous in their

pursuit of transcendental awakening acknowledge this

obvious line of reasoning and are resolute about not

stopping with Brahman realization. Instead they continue

their inquiry. At that point some are fortunate enough

to come in contact with a teacher who has attained

Bhagavan Realization, whereupon the Personality of Godhead

is then revealed to them via the process of

surrender and Bhakti Yoga as outlined in the Bhagavad Gita.

The culmination of the Yoga process is confirmed by

Lord Krishna Himself in the sixth chapter of the Gita

which is appropriately called "Sankya Yoga". (The

Analytical study of the relationship between Mind, Spirit,

and Matter) After methodically describing the

different processes of yoga to Arjuna Krishna

concludes:<br><br>yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana<br>sraddhavan

bhajate yo mam sa me yuktatamo matah<br> <br> "And of all

yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in Me,

thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental

loving service to Me--he is the most intimately united

with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My

opinion." Bg- 6.47<br><br> Many of you already know that my

service has evolved into providing rational arguments

designed to awaken individuals who have become enchanted,

and thus trapped, in Brahman realization. . This is a

difficult task because of the abundance of impersonal

philosophy and the tendency for individuals to misunderstand

"Bhagavan" realization. (The Third stage of God

realization.) Regardless of whatever apparent success or

failure I may seem to encounter in this endeavor the task

itself is extremely satisfying and becomes it's own

reward. <br><br> Recently the Ojai Valley Newspaper ran a

short article I wrote exposing the inconsistencies of

the New Age Mayavadies and I invite all of you to

read it




</a> (Entitled: Star Trek Spiritualism)<br><br> As

usual I always enjoy receiving any questions or

comments that this piece may generate from my reader. As

for those of you who have written to me inquiring

about former pieces I have written please bear with me.

I try to answer every question that is tossed in my

direction but sometimes it is hard for me to keep up with

them all in a timely manner. <br><br> Hoping your

heart is peaceful, your mood is happy, and your spirit

is filled with

content.<br><br>Cordially,<br><br>mayesvara dasa<br>AKA: Bill

Roberts<br>robertswg (M-F 7am-3pm)<br>mayesvara (About

once a

week on weekends.)

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Very interesting article. It really <br>rakes New

Age Yuppies and Dinks over<br>the coals for stealing

Hindu metaphysics<br>to use in adulterated,

unauthorized,<br>out-of-context forms. It includes the<br>information on

you:<br>"He is an ordained Brahmin priest and welcomes all

questions or comments. He can be reached at

640-0405."<br>It would be interesting to learn more about<br>your

ordination if you'd care to expand on


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Hello dear Cloudzeye<br><br>Mayesvara Dasa, was

given Initiation by His Divine<br>Grace Srila

Prabhupada,in the 70's, he was very<br>active in preaching and

expanding the Krishna counssiousness at those times,he

lived in India for several years living in much

austerities,He is<br>the designer of the biggest and known Lotus

fountain in East as he also help in the architectural

overview of several temples in India<br>in our community

he is very respected and admired<br>as a great

devotee of the lord,His personal life is white as the

snow,honest and truthful person,kind and humble,he is a

prolific writer,you<br>can find many of his writing in Vnn

if you search<br>under Mayesvara,he lives his life

in total dedication to follow the instructions of

his beloved Guru and for that we all admire him

very<br>much,as a friend that have know him for sometime<br>is

more I can tell you but I guess if you search<br>his

writings you will find out for yourself,<br>he has my most

respects,<br>your friend<br>dhyana aka tulsi

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Dear Mother,<br><br>I don't think I have raised

my words about any<br>idea of religion of belief

here ,all I did was<br>give some idea of the Character

of Mayesvara dasa<br>as someone asked about his

Bramhin qualities,<br>like you to me God is God in any

form or Idea one<br>must have,if in any case someone

feels offended<br>by my words,then I am very sorry

since this was<br>not my intention,I do not label

anyone or judge anyone,love is equal no matter language

or creed,<br>in my case I say farewell to all!<br>as

my duty is to teach love no differences,<br>thank

you Silent soul for the time you gived

me<br>here,<br>in humbleness <br>tulsi

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