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shiva -the best vaishnav & Book Rec.

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<< And can I ask a question - I know it may

be very rude, but as an Advaitin, you are aware that

all we see around is ONE. All Gods are one and you

yourself one with IT. Then do you feel any love or

compassion for anyone? If so, how could you? Isnt that a

part of the Infinite too? ;) >> <br><br>Of

course, you are right with that. I, myself, was a bhakta,

too. But got so confused with all this myths and

superstitions that I wanted to know what is really true and

prayed many, many times. So I have been leed to two

books that I found to be the most incredible and

revolutionary of this time. The first is named "The Freedom of

Choice" and the second one and almost even more important

is named "Thiaoouba Prophecy". The first is

downloadable for free and the second one is free to read at

<a href=http://www.thiaoouba.com/

target=new>http://www.thiaoouba.com/</a><br><br>I can't recommend them highly

enough. If you want

to do yourself a favour read them both as soon as

possible. You won't regret to have done so.

REALLY!<br><br>But please, please read them first before forming ANY

judgement. That's impossible anyway.<br><br>(This was an

advice of an ex-student of the clearest teachings in the

world - the vedas ;-)

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Thank you for the link. <br><br>I commend your

search for the Truth. My Gurus have always encouraged me

to seek, ask, discuss, argue, but do so in a spirit

of love and respect. "Stop not till the goal is

reached". Only through a sincere search can one find the

right path for oneself. No matter how many lifetimes it

takes. <br><br>There is many a adept yogi who hurts

others and many a scholar who can recite every word in

every sacred book that judges and condemns. No matter

what your path, it is practice/sadhana and not just

words that will help you experience it. <br><br>Tat

Twam Asi<br><br>UMA

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<< No matter what your path, it is practice/sadhana and not just words

that will help you experience it. >><br><br>And this is

what_I_say!<br><br>Love, <br><br>Lucy :-)

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