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What Upanishadas say ! (2)

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BETWEEN<br><br>AITAREYOPANISAD : (what it says in a nutshell)<br><br>=> In

the beginning there existed Soul alone. Maya (Nature)

had no independent existence.<br><br>=> The Soul

created the objects of the world by his own power and

entered into them in the form of Jivatamaa (individual

soul); but in doing so HE forgot his own real

nature.<br><br>=> The heart, the throat and the eyes, corresponding

to which became known the three states of sleep,

dream and wakefulness became the places of his

sport<br><br>=> The real wakefulness comes after forgetting names

and forms and by realizing the underlying reality,

namely, the Brahmn (supreme consciousness)<br><br>=>

To worship various deities and to engage oneself in

giving away wealth in charity, in doing penanace and in

the performance of sacrifices, are useful activities

for the purification of mind, but are no substitute

for the realization of the Soul (God)<br><br>=>

Desirelessness is the essential feature of Atma-gyana (knowledge

of soul or self)<br><br>=> The sight of the eye

is temporary; the sight of the soul which is eternal

and independent of the eye, can neveer be

lost.<br><br>=> Due to ignorance, there arises the false notion

that there are three types of souls namely the Jiva

(individual soul), the Isvara (god) and Paramatama (supreme

consciousness); while there is only one Brahmn namely the

Prajnanam (God, paramatamaa, paramsiva, krishna)<br><br>

Dear soulmates, this is what aitrareyopanishada has

behind all its shlokas....isn't it beautiful ?? let us

drown into this truth.<br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat

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