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My dear co-sadhakas,<br><br> Hope you are all

enjoying the simplest explanations about

Upanishadas.<br><br> Here again and again Moksha word has been used by

all Upanishada...I feel Moksha may also have

different meaning for each one of us.<br><br> May I ask "

What Moksha Means to you ?"..i will be grateful for

the replies.<br>Hari Om Tat sat<br><br>silentsoul

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<< May I ask " What Moksha Means to you

?".. >><br><br>Well, you see that they are no

clear focussed teachings. Moksha for most means Freedom

of Rebirth. And so Millions and millions go to Kashi

or Benares to attain Moksha by dying there. What


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Mokshechha (Desire of Moksha) is simply one of

the seven basic desires.<br>Moksha comes upon the

elimination of all these desires.<br>So then for Moksha, the

desire for Moksha does not have to be there

???<br><br>Extreme sannyasa ?

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Dear Lucideye,<br>we meet again, just been to the

"prophecy" site suggested by you, but was dissappointed just

to find a pulp science fiction novel

instead.<br>This is not in reaction to your provocative posts but

just what I found, (only that I failed to keep the

opinion to myself, in short, excreted in public

!)<br>Members please excuse this silly display, but time and

again the question arises, why do we criticise ?

(Especially in public)<br>Mostly I believe either to boost

self image, or in case of a truer person it is the

inner impatience coming through.<br>This kind of

dissatisfaction is often noted in people who have just begun

exploring spirituality.<br><br>regards

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<< we meet again, just been to the

"prophecy" site suggested by you, but was dissappointed just

to find a pulp science fiction novel instead.

>><br><br>Unsubstantiated bias and prejudices. Read the story/book and you

will know. Me, myself, have studied the vedas, too,

but haven't found anything equal to that story. That

is the TRUTH and no science fiction. Please be open

minded and do what you preach. <br>BTW, the other book

recommended by me "The Freedom of Choice" is no worse and SO

important and SO impressive and can be downloaded there for

free.<br><br>(The following applies to the book "Thiaoouba

Prophecy")<br><br>"There will be people who will not understand this book

at all, even though it is written by a simple man,

using a simple language, with examples comprehensible

even by kids. There will be also others, who won't

even TOUCH this book. Leave them in peace. Maybe they

are not yet evolved enough, maybe they don't want to

learn how much they don't know. There is no point in

encouraging a kindergarten kid to study psychology or physics

- a kid is simply not yet ready for it." <br><br>Dr

Tom Chalko (Author of "The Freedom of Choice")

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Do you mean me? Ignorance? Hmm, I don't know who is ignorant here.<br><br>But if

you are the all-knowing then sorry for my advice.<br><br>Love,<br><br>Lucideye

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Dear Pilgrims!<br>Please do not reduce this forum

into a "tit for tat" banter that goes nowhere. The

question is moksha. What does it mean? No matter which

faith you ask you receive an answer based upon their

interpretation of scripture. Now if our german friend is an

existentialist (i said if, i dont know) he will produce another

likewise plausable answer. <br><br>The fact is, who knows

what happens to us when we die until we, (ulp) die!

The rest is faith or the lack thereof. Remember:

<br><br>"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet

<br><br>Profound words, huh? We, of limited logic, can not even

begin to expound on what is limitless, can we? Are our

faculties so precise that we can comprehend the absolute?

Even modern physists would have to agree that our

abilities are far from that, but they still try. And so do

i.<br><br>For me silent soul, it does not matter if i die in

vrindavan, varanasi, Mt. kailash, or even in my provincial

town here in NJ. Though moksha seems a tempting reward

for "services rendered"<br>i want something more. i

want to know my creator, and more importantly, have a

relationship with him. How can i on this mortal plane

experience something that my creator does not? If our

creator cares for any of us, would he subject us to

voidism? Is that God nature?<br><br>As the old Rabbi once

said when asked about his knowledge of the absolute,

"i just dont know.." i can only hope and for me that

is enough for now.<br><br>Now stop bickering about

semantics! Instead, reveal your feelings, if you dare. Each

minute wounds and the last one kills. There is little

time to waste.<br><br>>:*)

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Dear Peggyhand:<br><br>I've read your words of

wisdom. When conversation degenerates into nit-picking,

misunderstanding or whatever.....any message is lost. Ah

Dogma.....<br>creeds, beliefs and wanderings off the path.<br><br>I

know what happens to us when we die. Would you like to

know?<br><br>If you are sufficiently spiritually advanced...you

ascend to ethereal realms...there are 33 in ascending

number. If you are not sufficiently spiritually

advanced....you descend to astral realms...there are 33 in

descending number. What you have done on Earth in this

life<br>determines where you go and what you will be doing. Either

learning or marking time until you again reincarnate to,

hopefully, get it right the next time. It's up to you, and

only you.<br><br>In addition, if your "time" is

up.....if you have been judged and found wanting.....you

cease to exist as an individual personality and your

energy goes back to the Source.<br><br>Think

Cosmic.....not human.<br><br>As to our German friend.....have

you not noticed that, when one checks out a profile

of someone and that someone lists nothing but a name

and/or age.....that someone has not much to say to

illuminate or teach others? Honesty does not seem to be in

his/her repetoire. Just an observation. I am in no way

criticizing the<br>author. He or she probably can teach us

much. For example....not to be judgemental. We do not

know this

individual.<br><br>Respectfully,<br><br>blueraybird<br>Emissary of Peace and

Goodwill (God's Will)

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Hello silensoul.....I have not read all the posts

on upanishada....but I seem to be thinking of the

great one everyday, many many times a day....<br>I was

looking at some trees today when I was outside, I could

hear the Great One say Yes jeffrey I am here and

everywhere......Then it got to be to wild for my little brain and I

just smiled back at God....My friend the feelings of

Love that are flowing around me are so strong at

times.....I am sending this love to you all and it is on the

wind....<br><br>Namaste jeffrey

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Blueraybird and Peggy mataji, your description of

Moksha was really great.<br><br> Some members here

forget before joining that the club falls under

"Hinduism" hence words like Nonesense, primitive idol

worshipping etc are being used. If we are primitive and

nonsense, what are you doing here. Leave us!<br><br> Sorry,

for me Moksha is when I will be out of desires and

clutches of Nature. <br><br> And who is not under

influence of desires and Nature, only God himself. <br><br>

When i will be with Him away from this universe but

still enjoying it, will be Moksha for me.

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Dear Sushma,<br><br>you wrote:<br><< Some

members here forget before joining that the club falls

under "Hinduism" hence words like Nonesense, primitive

idol worshipping etc are being used. If we are

primitive and nonsense, what are you doing here. Leave us!

>><br><br>I've not said that you are primitive. I have only said

that believing if one dies in Kashi that thus he

attains Moksha is nonsense. Would be too easy, wouldn't

it? ;-)<br>Further, I have said that idol worshipping

depicts the primitive mind of present day's human and

that IS my opinion. And I will explain it to you. I

believe that you will admit that almost all people who do

this worshipping believe in angry gods, gods that are

responsible for their fate and that you can by steady worship

change it. That IS nonse, sorry. YOU ARE THE CREATOR.

You create your Karma and your destiny simply by the

acts of thinking, speaking and acting and it is ONLY

you who do this. There is no outer God or Goddess

that you have to worship. Think good, speak good and

do good and then experience the good that you have

manifested. Then, idol worshipping is entirely useless and

believe me, GOD wishes that you understand that. Neither

he nor any of his gods or goddesses wants to be

worshipped. They only want that you realize the TRUTH and set

aside all that fear and ignorance that is deeply

intertwined with it. It doesn't matter if you are Hindu (in

your last life you were surely not) or Christ or of

any other confession, this is UNIVERSAL LAW!

Understand it and get responsible for yourself and then you

will realize that there's no god that needs to be

worshipped. I, myself, have also worshipped and practised

bhakti but then I have recognized that there are

universal laws that bind and create my reality and that it

is only me and noone else who is responsible for my

fate and destiny and that it is entirely useless to do

worship when you know those laws. Then you are free and

can begin to manifest the reality that you wish for

yourself.<br><br>Namaste,<br><br>Lcideye<br><br>PS: Please don't dare to believe

Sushma and me, our

profile is too scanty ;-)

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<< As to our German friend.....have you not

noticed that, when one checks out a profile of someone

and that someone lists nothing but a name and/or

age.....that someone has not much to say to illuminate or

teach others? Honesty does not seem to be in his/her

repetoire. Just an observation. I am in no way criticizing

the<br>author. He or she probably can teach us much. For

example....not to be judgemental.>><br><br>and to not be

prejudiced because of a scanty profile


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<< If you are sufficiently spiritually

advanced...you ascend to ethereal realms...there are 33 in

ascending number. If you are not sufficiently spiritually

advanced....you descend to astral realms...there are 33 in

descending number. >> <br><br>& <br><br><< In

addition, if your "time" is up.....if you have been judged

and found wanting.....you cease to exist as an

individual personality and your energy goes back to the

Source.>><br><br>Dear Blueraybird,<br><br>You said you KNOW this.

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say you BELIEVE

it?<br><br>Have you verified this yourself?<br><br>If not, I can

tell you what I have already read in several NewAge

books.<br><br>Lucideye<br><br>"Believing is not enough. You need to know."

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hrmmmmm. "Believing is not enough. You need to

know." <br>i agree 100% that this is of course the best

way. But again, to know would mean to return to this

mortal coil after death "to do the math."<br><br>i spent

many many years living among the Germans and i found

them to be exacting and methodical. Kind, but

disciplined. My son was taught religion in the Grundschule,

something that does not happen here in the US. Crosses of

Lord Jesus abound everywhere to include the highest

peaks.(Sounds like an anthropologist describing a third world

country, sorry.) <br><br>My point is, most of us are

raised INTO a religion or faith. Yes, there may come a

time when we abandon that faith for another or stop

believing altogether, but when troubles are severe enough,

it tends to 'pop back up' again. <br><br>You can not

fault the people who flock to holy dhams to die for

hopes of moksha. The fact is that they are dying and

well, it could not hurt, could it? There is an old

saying 'there are no atheists in fox holes.' and you

know what? This is true. <br><br>Do you remember the

terrorist bombing at Rhein-Main airforce base and the

Berlin clubs back in the 70? Alot of converts were made

then!!! ;) More importantly, do you know why? Because

from time to time we are reminded that we must die one

day and that day is always unexpected. It is a scary

thought in of itself, but if we also were taught of an

afterlife or the results of our karmic activities, well,

brrrrrrrr.<br><br>I read that book you recommended. I kinda laughed

to see that the author offers a $1000 reward if it

can be disproved. Somewhere, a Hindu babaji in a

desolate kund is smiling and probably thinking, "Just

$1000? I'll be your slave forever if you can prove my

ideas can be disproved first!" As he goes back to his

japa and remembering his creator, so do

i.<br><br>Please take no offense,dear. None was meant. i hope that

you stay because thinking is good. Faith without

thinking is sentiment.<br><br>om tat sat<br><br>>:*)

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Dear Lucideye:<br><br>Forgive me for bumping into

your posting to Sushma.<br><br>What you just said

about idol worship, gods and goddesses, etc. is so

right on! You're definitely thinking.<br><br>Keep


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Dear Lucideye:<br><br>You're quite right about

pre-judgement. I was out of line with my comment on profiles.

However,<br>it does slightly annoy me when I go to someone's

profile to find nothing there, as I would like to "meet"

that person. I was lumping you in, as it were, with

many others who have had no profile and have disrupted

clubs I've been in. I'm sure<br>you are not one of

those.....you're either a good-looking, young lady of much

intellect or a good-looking, young guy of much

intellect.....right?<br><br>Prejudice is not my problem this year, (according to


Cosmic Clock), it's criticism! <br>Again...I


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Lucideye:<br><br>One more time....<br><br>My

verification:<br><br>I know this and believe this. The Ascended Masters

do not lie. My guru does not lie.<br>My Messenger

does not lie. and I do not lie.......<br><br>In the


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Dear lucid(something) thanks for the wise reply.

I definitely accept your ideas to be truth and full

of wisdom.<br> <br>But your blame did hurt some

people (i am sure gypsyqueenb is mature enough not to

feel hurt)<br>As Silentsoul has already written

Hinduism contains all from idol-worshipping to Advait

Vedanta. If you can laugh on idol-worshipping there are

poeple out here who are more evolved than you and must

be laughing at you. We Hindus are blamed for idol

worshippin tell me who does not do it.<br><br>- What is

christ hanging on cross being worshipped by christians ?

Just a wooden idol ?<br><br>- What is Mother Marry's

photo which is worshipped?<br><br>- And the uncarved

stone at Kabaa, is it not an idol uncut just a stone

?<br><br>- Lord Budha's statues are worshipped by

Buddhists.<br><br>- Sikhs worshipping "Adi Granth" which is mere a

book ?? But they respect it like a living

guru.<br><br>- And you must be keeping photo of your child or

wife or girl friend in your purse, and you must be

loving and kissing it off and on (smiles) Is it not

idol-worshipping?<br><br> Every one is not capable of thinking of god in

mind. Some need external means to think about god. So

what is the harm in this if someone concentrates on

God by worshipping a wooden krishna or wooden christ,

or a book, or an uncarved stone ? Hindu sages were

not fool as they knew, one simple beginner can not

concentrate without external means and they also knew that

after some time, they would start seeing god in their

heart so they encouraged idol-worshipping as a

beginning exercise.<br><br> Everyone is not of your mental

standards, some are lower souls too (as you are

thinking-thought it is wrong) so instead of hurting their

sentiments why not continue your beautiful thoughts ? We can

learn from each other even without hurting. And whom

are you hurting ? Other manifestations of God ?

<br><br> In this forum I have seen some so-called

enlightened souls who claimed to have merged in God, and who

abused and cried on smallest provocation. What we write,

reflects our mental status, not our claims.<br><br>Jai Sai


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To warm himself and the other monks on a bitter

cold winter's day, Tan-shia took a wooden Buddha

statue and set it on fire. The abbot of the monastary

came running and tried to put out the fire, screaming

at Tan-shia and asking what he thought he was

doing.<br>"I'm trying to obtain the spirits of the holy one,"

Tan-shia said.<br>"How can you obtain the spirits of the

holy one from a wooden statue?"<br>"So if there are no

holy spirits, let's burn the rest of the

statues."<br><br>Zen Mondo

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