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The Great Intellect

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My problems originate from the very first part of

Tom's book where he says "The great intellect is

developing.." and "The great intellet has needs" and justifies

this statement by equating this intellect with us.

<br><br>i am of the opinion that the Great Intellect is

self satisfied, does not need love because it IS love.

He is constantly comparing this entity to humans and

this is erroneous. We as humans are part and parcel to

this intellect but in minute qualities and quantities.

(Read tiny minds) Can i compare myself to someone like

Steven Hawking? Apples and oranges. Compared to him i am

severely retarded in intellect and it is doubtful that i

will reach his level in this lifetime. That brings me

to other humans of measurably severely retarded

intellect. Is it their fault they do not progress to have

their intellect grow? Did they choose this fate?

<br><br>We try to fathom "It" with our puny little intellect

of logic and for that matter, we assume that "It"

has a logical basis because that is the only way we

can comprehend things, by logic.<br><br>He disregards

any theory of chaos or abiguiousness because it does

not fit into his plan. Indeed, can the great

intellect not be chaotic? Why not? Some mentally ill

individuals are terrific creators of things but cant tell you

what they are for. That answer lies deep within their

intellect if there is an answer at all.<br><br>What happens

when logic flys out the window? Tom has tried to

demute his ego unsuccessfully for 5 years to no avail.

Only five years? Just a few hours? Babajis spend their

entire lives on this specific purpose and they do not

give up. They are using their intellect too, they are

just not worrying about it. Tom propably had other

things to do; pay bills, write his book, have sex with

his wife, etc.<br><br>i can not agree with a "Great

Intellect" that is still developing "its" intellect and

feelings and "uses" us to its own advantage. To my

opinion, this personality is completely perfect. What's

more, all emanations from it are also perfect as

complete wholes. (logical huh?) What remains after

perfection from perfection is yet perfect. Our intellect

does not realize this yet.<br><br>Om poornamaddah

Poornamidam<br>Poornaat Poornamudachyat.<br>Poornasya

Poornamaadaaya<br>Poornamevaavashishyate.<br>om shanti shanti


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