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Excerpt of... (part 2)

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He began to rise gently above his seat still in

the lotus position, and floated towards me. This did

not entirely surprise me since Thao had previously

demonstrated this technique of levitation. I wanted to rise

before this undoubtedly great and highly spiritual

personage, as a measure of the infinite respect inspired in

me. In trying to move, I found I couldn’t - as though

paralysed in my seat.<br><br>He stopped just above and in

front of me, placing both his hands on my head; the

thumbs joined on my forehead above my nose, opposite the

pineal gland, and the fingers joined at the top of my

head. It was Thao who described these details to me

later, for at the time, I was overwhelmed by such a

sensation, that the details didn’t register.<br><br>During

the time his hands were on my head, it seemed that my

body no longer existed. A gentle warmth and delicate

perfume originated within me, emanating in waves and

blending with soft music that was barely

audible.<br><br>Suddenly, I could see amazing colours surrounding the

figures opposite me and, as the ‘leader’ returned slowly

towards his seat, I could see a multitude of radiant

colours around him; ones I had been unable to perceive

before. The principal colour was a mass of pale pink

which enveloped the seven figures, as though in a

cloud, and their movements caused that wonderful,

glowing pink to encircle us also!<br><br>When I had

sufficiently recovered my senses to turn towards Thao, she

too, was surrounded with wonderful colours, although

less brilliant than those around the seven

figures.<br><br>You will notice that, in speaking of these great

personages, I instinctively use ‘he’ rather than ‘she’. In

explaining this, I can only suggest that the personalities

of these special beings were so strong and their

bearings so imposing, that I recognised more of the

masculine in them than the feminine - I mean no offence to

women - my reaction was instinctive. It’s a bit like

imagining Methuselah as a woman… However, women or men,

they had transformed me. I knew that the colours

surrounding them were their Auras. I was capable of seeing

Auras - who knew for how long - and I wondered at what

I saw.<br><br>The ‘leader’ had resumed his seat and

all eyes were fixed on me, as if they wanted to see

inside me, which indeed, is what they were doing.

Silence reigned for a time, which seemed interminable. I

watched the varied colours of their Auras vibrate and

dance around them, sometimes far in the distance and

recognised the ‘bouquet of colour’ Thao had spoken of

earlier.<br><br>The golden haloes, clearly defined, were almost

saffron coloured. It occurred to me, they could not only

see my Aura, but possibly read it as well. I suddenly

felt quite naked before this learned assembly. The

question that haunted me was: why have they brought me

here?<br><br>Abruptly, the ‘leader’ broke the silence. ‘As Thao has

already explained to you, Michel, you have been chosen by

us, to visit our planet, in order to report certain

messages and to offer enlightenment on several important

issues when you return to Earth. The time has come when

certain events must occur. After several thousand years

of darkness and savagery on the planet Earth, a

so-called ‘civilisation’ appeared and, inevitably,

technology was developed - a development, which was

accelerated during the last 150 years.<br><br>‘It has been 14

500 years since a comparable level of technological

advance existed on Earth. This technology, which is

nothing compared with true knowledge, is nevertheless,

sufficiently advanced to become harmful to the human race on

Earth in the very near future.<br><br>‘Harmful, because

it is only material knowledge and not spiritual

knowledge. Technology should assist spiritual development,

not confine people, more and more, within a

materialistic world, as is happening now on your

planet.<br><br>- end of part 2 -

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