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Dear spiritual friends,<br><br>Thank you for your

loving words and please forgive me for my perhaps

sometimes rude behaviour. It isn't meant this way but I see

that I have to be more carefully in the future. I'll

try my best :o)<br><br>This and the following posts

will contain an excerpt of the 6th Chapter of the book

"Thiaoouba Prophecy" and goes into many of your questions

and comments regarding the Nature of God and many

other things.<br>Hope you will enjoy it.<br><br>If you

are not interested and deem it science fiction,

please delete the posts with this subject and sorry for

interrupting.<br><br>Thanky you.<br><br>[...]<br>Eventually, we reached the

Central Doko and stopped below the entrance light. Thao

seemed to concentrate for several seconds, then she took

me by the shoulder and we passed through the

wall.<br><br>She immediately removed my mask, advising at the same

time, that I half-closed my eyes, which I did. Light

filtered through my lower lids and after a time, I was

able to open my eyes normally.<br><br>I must say, that

this brightness, more golden that in my own doko, was

considerably uncomfortable at first. I was most curious now,

especially since Thao, who was usually very free and without

protocol in her relations with everyone, seemed to have

abruptly changed in her manner. Why?<br><br>This doko must

have been 100 metres in diameter. We headed directly,

although more slowly, for the centre, where seven seats,

each occupied, were arranged in a semi-circle. The

occupants sat as though petrified and, at first, I thought

them to be statues.<br><br>In looks they resembled

Thao, although their hair was longer and their facial

expressions more serious, giving them the air of being older.

Their eyes seemed to be illuminated from within, which

was somewhat disturbing. What struck me most of all,

was the golden haze, even stronger here than outside,

which seemed to concentrate in haloes around their

heads.<br><br>Since the age of fifteen, I don’t recall ever having

been in awe of another person. No matter how grand a

personage: no matter how important he or she was, (or

thought they were) I have not felt intimidated by

position: neither have I had qualms about expressing my

opinion to anyone. To me, the president of a nation is

still just a person and it amuses me that people regard

themselves as VIPs. I mention this to make it clear I am not

impressed by mere status.<br><br>In the doko, all that

changed.<br><br>When one of them raised a hand to indicate Thao and I

should each take a seat facing them, I was indeed

awestruck, and the word is feeble. I could not have imagined

it possible that such radiant beings could exist: it

was as though they were on fire inside and emitting

rays from within.<br><br>They sat on block-like seats,

fabric-covered, with straight backs. Each seat was of a different

colour - some only slightly different and others vastly

different from their neighbours. Their clothes too,

differed in colour, suiting each wearer perfectly. All of

them sat in what we call on Earth, the ‘lotus

position’ that is, the sitting position of Buddha, with

hands resting on knees.<br><br>As previously mentioned,

they formed a semi-circle and, since there were seven

of them, I reasoned that the central figure had to

be the principal one, with three acolytes on either

side. Of course, at the time, I was too overcome to

note such details. It only occurred to me

later.<br><br>It was the central figure who addressed me, in a

voice so melodious and, at the same time, so

authoritarian. I was stunned by it, particularly since he spoke

in perfect French.<br><br>‘You are welcome among us,

Michel. May The Spirit assist and enlighten you.’ The

others echoed: ‘May The Spirit enlighten you.’<br><br>-

end of part 1 -

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