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Excerpt of... (part 4)

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So it continues, right to the centre of the

Universe from where the explosion referred to by the

English as the ‘Big Bang’ originated.<br><br>‘Needless to

say, certain accidents occur and sometimes a planet

will disappear in a solar system, or perhaps enter it,

but later in time, the solar system will revert and

base its structure again on the number

nine.<br><br>‘The Fourth force had a very important role to play:

it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had

imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the

Spirit in the human body. This comprises what you could

call the Astral body, which forms one ninth of the

essential human being and consists of one ninth of a

‘Higher self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The

Higher Self of man is, in other words, an entity which

sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming

the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are

inhabited, similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher

Self and yet each part remains integral to the central

entity.1 <br><br>‘Further, the Higher Self is a ninth part

of a superior Higher Self which, in turn, is a ninth

part of a more superior Higher Self. The process

continues as far back as the source, and allows the

enormous filtration of spiritual experience required by

the Spirit.<br><br>‘You must not think that the

Higher Self of the first category is insignificant in

comparison with the others. It functions at a lower level,

but is nevertheless extremely powerful and important.

It is capable of curing illness and even

resuscitating the dead. There are many instances of people,

declared clinically dead, who are brought back to life in

the hands of doctors who had abandoned all hope for

them. What generally happens in these cases, is that

the person’s Astral body meets with the Higher Self.

This portion of the Higher Self has left the physical

body during the period of ‘death’. It perceives its

physical body below, and the doctors trying to resuscitate

it; it can also perceive loved ones who mourn for it.

In his present state, the Astral body, the person

will feel perfectly well - even blissful. Usually he

abandons his physical body, frequently the source of much

suffering, to find himself catapulted down a ‘psychic

canal’, at the end of which is a wondrous light and

beyond, a state of bliss.<br><br>‘If before passing

through this canal into the blissful light which is his

Higher Self he has the least will not to die - not on

his own account but for the sake of those who need

him, young children for example, he will ask to

return. In certain cases it will be

permitted.<br><br>‘You are in constant communication with your Higher

Self by means of your cerebral canal. Acting as a

transmitting and receiving post, it conducts special

vibrations directly between your Astral body and your Higher

Self. Your Higher Self monitors you continually, by day

and by night and can intervene to save you from an

accident. Someone, for example, who is to catch a plane,

finds that the taxi breaks down on the way to the

airport; a second taxi called also breaks down - just like

that... just like that? Could you really believe in such

a coincidence?<br><br>‘The plane in question

crashes thirty minutes later, leaving no survivors.

Another person, an old and rheumatic woman and barely

able to walk, starts to cross a street. There is a

loud horn blast and a screeching of tyres, but this

person is miraculously able to leap to

safety.<br><br>‘How is this explained? It was not yet her time to die

and so her Higher Self intervened. In one hundredth

of a second the Higher Self triggered a reaction in

her adrenaline glands which, for a few seconds,

provided enough strength to her muscles to enable her to

execute the leap which saved her life. Adrenaline

released into the blood can make it possible to flee from

imminent danger, or to defeat the ‘unbeatable’ through

anger or fear. In too strong a dose, however,

adrenaline becomes a lethal poison.<br><br>- end

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