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Excerpt of... (part 5)

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‘It isn’t only the cerebral canal which is able

to conduct messages between the Higher Self and the

Astral body. Another channel exists sometimes in dreams

- or, I should even say, in sleep. At certain times

during sleep, your Higher Self is able to call your

Astral body to itself and, either communicate

instructions or ideas, or to regenerate it in some way,

replenishing its spiritual strength or enlightening it in

regard to solutions to important problems. For this

reason, it is essential your sleep is undisturbed by

intrusive noise or by nightmares resulting from harmful

impressions received during the day. Perhaps you will better

understand the importance of your old French saying: ‘Night

brings counsel’.<br><br>‘The physical body in which you

exist at the moment is already very complex, but still,

it is nothing compared with the complexity of the

process of evolvement which occurs with Astral bodies and

Higher-selves. In order to allow ordinary people on your planet

to understand as easily as possible, I will make my

explanation in the simplest (12) terms.<br><br>‘Your Astral

body, which inhabits every normal human being,

transfers to its Higher Self all the sensations that are

experienced during a lifetime in a physical body. These

sensations pass through the immense ‘filter’ of nine

Higher-selves before arriving in the etheric ‘ocean’ that

surrounds the Spirit. If these sensations are based

essentially on materialism, the Higher-selves have enormous

trouble filtering them, just as a water filter clogs

quicker if it filters dirty water than if the water was

already clear.<br><br>‘If, through the numerous

experiences you have in your life, you ensure your Astral

body benefits in a spiritual sense, it will acquire

more and more spiritual understanding. In time, which

can vary from 500 to even 15 000 of your Earth years,

your Higher Self will have nothing more to

filter.<br><br>‘This part of itself, embodied in the Astral being of

Michel Desmarquet, will be so spiritually advanced, it

will have arrived at the next stage where it will have

to contend directly with the more superior Higher

Self.<br><br>We can compare this process with a nine-stage

filter, intended to rid the water passing through, of

nine elements. At the end of stage one in the process,

one will have been completely eliminated, with eight

remaining. Of course, to make this information easier to

digest, I am making enormous use of

imagery...<br><br>‘This Astral body then, will have completed its cycle

with the Higher Self of the first category and will

then detach itself from Higher Self number one to

rejoin the Higher Self of the second category; the

entire process will be repeated. By the same token, the

Astral body will be sufficiently spiritually advanced to

pass to a planet of the next category, as

well.<br><br>‘I see you are not following me very well and I am

anxious that you will understand absolutely, all that I

explain to you.<br><br>‘In his wisdom, The Spirit, by

means of the Fourth force, provided for nine categories

of planets. At present, you are on the planet

Thiaoouba which is in the ninth category; that is, at the

top of the scale.<br><br>‘Earth is a planet of the

first category and therefore at the bottom of the

scale. What does this mean? The planet Earth could be

likened to a kindergarten with the emphasis on teaching

basic social values. A planet of the second category

would then correspond with a primary school where

further values are taught - in both schools, adult

guidance is imperative. The third category would comprise

secondary schools where a foundation of values allows

exploration beyond. Next, you would go to university, where

you are treated as an adult, for you would not only

have attained a certain amount of knowledge, but you

would also start to accept civic

responsibility.<br><br>- end of part 5 -

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