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Excerpt of... (part 7)

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‘You, Michel, come from the planet Earth, which

is sometimes called ‘The Planet of Sorrows’. Indeed,

the name is appropriate, but it is this way for a

precise reason - it is intended to provide a learning

environment of a quite specific kind. It is not because life

there is so difficult that you have to intervene - you

cannot lightly go against Nature, destroying rather than

conserving what the Creator has put at your disposal; that

is, interfering with ecological systems, which have

been intricately designed. Certain countries, like

Australia, where you are from, are beginning to show great

respect for ecology and it is a step in the right

direction; but even in that country, what case is made of

pollution - both water and air pollution? What is ever done

about one of the worst forms of pollution?

Noise.<br><br>‘I say ‘worst’ because people such as Australians

pay virtually no attention to it at all.<br><br>‘Ask

someone if traffic noise bothers him and the response

will surprise you - eighty five per cent of the time

it will be; ‘What noise? What are you talking about?

Oh that noise - we get used to it.’ And it is

precisely because they ‘get used to it’ that the danger

exists.’<br><br>Just then, Thaora, as this high figure was called,

made a gesture and I turned around. He was replying to

a question I had mentally posed; ‘How can he speak

of percentages and know so much about our planet

with so much precision?’<br><br>Turning around, I

almost uttered a cry of surprise for, behind me, stood

Biastra and Latoli. In itself, this was nothing

surprising, but the friends I knew who measured 310 and 280

centimetres in height respectively, were now reduced in size

to correspond with my height. My mouth must have

continued to gape, for Thaora smiled.<br><br>‘Can you

understand, that sometimes, and very often in these days,

some of us live among your people on Earth? - and

there is my answer to your question.<br><br>‘To

continue on the very important subject of noise, it is

such a danger that, if nothing is done, catastrophe is

certain.<br><br>‘Let us take the example of a discotheque. The people

who expose themselves to music that is typically

played three times too loudly, are subjecting their

brains and their physiological and astral bodies to

vibrations which are so harmful. If they could see the

damage that is caused, they would vacate the discotheque

quicker than if there was a fire.<br><br>‘But vibrations

don’t only come from noise; they also come from colours

and it is astonishing that, on your planet,

experiments conducted in this field have not been followed

up. Our ‘agents’ reported a particular experiment

involving a man who was capable of lifting a certain

weight. It was found (that)1, after staring for a moment

at a pink coloured screen, he consistently lost

thirty per cent of his strength.<br><br>‘Your

civilisation pays no attention to such experimentation. In

fact, colours can enormously influence the behaviour of

human beings and yet, control of this influence

requires that an individual’s Aura be taken into account.

If for example, you want to paint or wallpaper your

bedroom with the colours that are truly appropriate for

you, you must be aware of the colours of certain

principal points of your Aura.<br><br>‘By matching the

colours of your walls with those of your Aura, you can

improve your health or maintain good health. Further, the

vibrations emanating from these colours are essential for

good mental balance, exerting their influence even

while you sleep.’<br><br>I was wondering how we could

be expected to know these significant colours in our

Auras when, on Earth, we were not capable of perceiving

Auras.<br><br>Of course, Thaora replied immediately, without me

having to say a word aloud.<br><br>‘Michel, it is now

very important that your experts invent the special

equipment necessary, to enable perception of the Aura, as

this, in turn, will ensure that correct choices are

made at the critical cross-roads ahead.<br

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