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Heart versus intellect.........

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Well, i can certainly relate to heart as opposed

to intellect. i'm dumb as a rock! :) <br><br>Narada

Muni noted in Narada Bhakti Sutra that "Some assert

that spiritual devotion can be developed solely by

wisdom (intellectualism.)" (Verse 28) <br><br>But he

concludes with, "According to the son of Brahma, Narada,

spiritual devotion is its own fruit.(Supreme love of God.)"

(Verse 30)<br><br><br>>:*)

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I think this is the time to re-tell the story of

four mangoes.<br><br> A man has four children. In the

evening while coming home from office he brings four

mangoes for his children. As he enters the house his

children see him and the pack of mangoes in his

hands.<br><br> The eldest boy who is very wise and intellectual

thinks," Oh papa has brought a pack, it has mangoes in it

and by size there could be four mangoes and we are

four brothers it means One mango is mine" Satisfied he

continues his studies. Father keeps a mango by his side so

that he can eat whenever he wishes<br><br> The second

son is a little impatient and naughty (like our

friend Awasthi). He see the mangoes and forcibly

snatches one from his father and starts eating it.<br><br>

The third son, sees the mangoes but cares not much

for it. He runs to the kitchen and brings a glass of

water for papa, takes away his shoes and does all other

work. Father gives one mango to him too.<br><br> The

fourth one is still small. He does not know what a mango

is and how it tastes. He loves his father too much

and clings to him and starts showing his affection by

uttering staggered words and by kissing him. Father cuts

the mango and with his own hands makes the boy eat

the mango.<br><br> Here the father is Parmatma or

God. The mango is Moksha (enlightenement) and the four

sons are four types of sadhaka.<br><br> The first son

is Gyani, the second is a Hathha Yogi, the fourth is

Karma Yogi and the youngest of them is Bhakta.<br><br>

So all the four got Moksha in different ways.....how

would you like to eat the Mango ???<br><br>Hari Om Tat


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peggy:<br><br>You? Dumb as a rock? I think

not!<br><br>Remember......you are what you think you are. <br>You can do what

you think you can do. You are a child of God , even

if you think you're not.,.and I'm sure you think you

are...and are....<br><br>(Rambling from brainfog due to

fibromyalgia....<br>excuse please.)<br><br>I operate mostly from the heart,

not the head...being a divergent thinker. Commonly

known as "scatterbrained". Occasionally there is a

flash of insight from my Higher Selves...Brahma and

Vishnu...Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence....Atman;

Paramatman...<br>and if I would merely listen more and talk less, I

would be forever guided and taught the Way, the Truth

and the Life.<br><br>Sigh! When do I shuffle off this

mortal coil and become ONE?<br><br>Blue

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Dear SilentSoul:<br><br>I prefer to eat my

mango/Moksha through bhakta, as I'm not sure what total

enlightenment means and how I should receive it.<br><br>Another

reply not from my not-self intellect.....?<br><br>The

Light of God Never Fails!<br><br>Blue

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