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Excerpt of... (part 3)

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‘To an even greater extent, your people are

obsessed with a single goal - affluence. Their lives are

concerned with all that the pursuit of wealth entails;

envy, jealousy, hatred of those richer and contempt for

those poorer. In other words your technology, which is

nothing compared with what existed on Earth more than 14

500 years ago, is dragging your civilisation down,

and pushing it closer and closer to moral and

spiritual catastrophe’.<br><br>I noticed that each time

this great personage spoke of materialism, his Aura

and those of his acolytes, flashed with a dull and

‘dirty’ red, as though momentarily, they were in the

middle of burning bushes.<br><br>‘We, the people of

Thiaoouba, are assigned to assist, guide and sometimes

punish the inhabitants of planets under our

guardianship.’<br><br>Fortunately, Thao had briefed me on Earth’s history during


journey to Thiaoouba. Otherwise, I’d have surely fallen

off my seat on hearing such a speech.<br><br>‘I

think,’ he resumed, ‘that you already know what we mean

by ‘harmful to the human race’. Many people on Earth

believe atomic arms to be the major danger, but it is not

so. The greatest danger concerns ‘materialism’. The

people of your planet seek money - to some it’s a means

of attaining power; to others it’s a means to

acquire drugs, (another curse) yet to others, it’s a way

of possessing more than their neighbours

possess.<br><br>If a businessman owns a large store he then wants a

second, then a third. If he commands a small empire, he

wants to increase it. If an ordinary man owns a house

in which he could live happily with his family, he

wants a larger one or to own a second one, then a

third...<br><br>Why this folly? Besides, a man will die and have to

abandon all he has amassed. Perhaps his children will

squander his legacy and his grandchildren will live in

poverty? His whole life will have been preoccupied with

purely material concerns, with insufficient time allowed

for matters of the spirit. Others with money turn to

drugs in their endeavour to procure an artificial

paradise and these people pay more dearly than do the

others.<br><br>‘I see,’ he continued. ‘I am going much too fast and

you are not following me, Michel. You should be able

to follow, however, since Thao has already initiated

your education in these matters during your

voyage.’<br><br>I felt ashamed, almost like when reprimanded by a

teacher at school; the only difference being, here I was

not able to cheat by saying I had understood when it

wasn’t true. He could read me like an open

book.<br><br>He deigned to smile at me and his Aura, which had

been flaming like a fire, returned to its original

hue.<br><br>‘Now, once and for always, we will teach you and

provide you with what you French call ‘the key to the

mystery’.<br><br>‘As you have heard, in the beginning there was the

Spirit alone and He created, by his immense force, all

that exists materially. He created the planets, the

suns, plants, animals, with one goal in mind: to

satisfy his spiritual need. This is quite logical since

He is purely spirit. Already I see you are wondering

why the need to create material things in order to

attain spiritual fulfilment. I offer this, by way of

explanation: the creator sought spiritual experiences through

a material world. I see you still have difficulty

following - but you are making progress.<br><br>‘In order

to have these experiences, He wanted to embody a

tiny part of his Spirit in a physical entity. To do

this, He called on the Fourth force - the force which

Thao has not yet spoken of and which concerns only

spirituality. In this domain, Universal Law also

applies.<br><br>‘You most certainly know that the pattern of the

Universe dictates that nine planets revolve around their

sun1. It is also the case that these suns revolve

around a bigger sun, which is the nucleus for nine such

suns, and their nine planets. So it continues, right to

the centre of the Universe from where the explosion

referred to by th

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