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Free Will cont. ???????

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Let me say that there are 4 types of

personalities here; chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil and

lawful good. Let's see where you might see

yourself..<br><br>Chaotic evil are the bane of all that is good and

organized. Chaotic evil characters are motivated by the

desire for personal gain and pleasure. They see

absolutely nothing wrong with taking whatever they want by

whatever means possible. Laws and governments are tools of

weaklings unable to fend for themselves. The strong have

the right to take what they want, and the weak are

there to be exploited When Chaotic evil characters band

together, they are not motivated by a desire to cooperate,

but rather to oppose powerful enemies. Such a group

can be held together only by a strong leader capable

of bullying his underlings into obedience. Since

leadership is based on raw power, a leader is likely to be

replaced at the sign of weakness by anyone who can take

his position away from him by any method.

<br><br>Chaotic good are strong individualists marked by a streak

of kindness and benevolence. They believe in all the

virtues of goodness and right, but they have little use

for laws and regulations. They have no use for people

who "try to push folk around and tell them what to

do." Their actions are guided by their own moral

compass which although good, may not always be in perfect

agreement with the rest of society.<br><br>The lawful evil

characters believe in using society and its laws to benefit

themselves. Structure and organization elevate those who

deserve to rule as well as provide a clearly defined

hierarchy between master and servant. To this end, lawful

evil characters support laws and societies that

protect their own concerns. If someone is hurt or suffers

because of a law that benefits lawful evil characters,

too bad. Lawful evil characters obey laws out of fear

of punishment. Because they may be forced to honor

an unfavorable contract or oath they have made,

lawful evil characters are usually very careful about

giving their word. Once given, they break their word

only if they can find a way to do it legally, within

the laws of the society. <br><br>Lawful good believe

that an orderly, strong society with a well-organized

government can work to make life better for the majority of

the people. To ensure quality of life, laws must be

created and obeyed. When people respect the laws and try

to help one another, society as a whole prospers.

Therefore, lawful good characters strive for those things

that will bring the greatest benefit to the most

people and cause the least harm. An honest hard working

citizen, a kindly king, or a stern but forthright judge

are all examples of lawful good people.<br><br>God

does not interfere with your choice. Just sometimes,

depending on your choice, He is just as entitled to invoke

His Will to change your plans. <br><br>That is the

conflict when your will comes up against God's. Since you

have a free will, why would you deny God His? Is it

fair to fight with God? Does He have an advantage over

you? Well, of course He does, but you always knew that

didnt you? "You knew the job was dangerous when you

took it." <br><br>Choose your path wisely. <br><br>om

tat sat<br><br>>:*)

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Peggy ! your reply was wonderful.<br><br> I feel

Free Will is a relative term and we can not find an

absolute answer. Here I must say, peggy, really,kajol and

lucid are right in their set up.<br><br> My personal

opinion is that we have a Free Will and God too has a

free will, and sometimes as peggy said, these to free

wills (?) confront each other, and obviously God


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<< My personal opinion is that we have a

Free Will and God too has a free will, and sometimes

as peggy said, these to free wills (?) confront each

other, and obviously God wins >><br><br>Yes, but

you have to know that God will never interfere with

your own free will. <br><br>Love,<br><br>Lucideye

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<< why not? How can we have something that

God does not? What happens when your free will butts

up against your neighbors?? >><br><br>Have I

said that God has something that we do not have? I

merely said that God will never interfere with your own

free will.<br><br>But, if you mean the wish to control

somebody by interfering with their own process then I want

to tell you that God does NOT do this.<br>He

supports us but never does interfere. It is in human

nature to interfere - not in


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