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free will, god etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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guys/gals <br><br>please see this movie "I Am GOD

" <br><br>This ain't about GOD -and it ain't about

religion, either <br><br>but, i loved this movie- i saw it

three times- once with my live-in girl friend , once

with my friend and once all by myself- <br><br>this

movie is about real serial killer who films some of his

killings. see it and let me know what you all think- i

specially recommend it to alex and kajol, the free willers

in this forum. <br><br>cd

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Sounds very tempting. A story about a serial

killer who films some of his killings :-(<br><br>I know

what I know and what I have experienced, so why should

I do this?<br><br>You can tell me what is this film

about or why I should see it, but I don't think that I

will deny my experiences because of a film of a serial

killer who films his murders.<br><br>Thanks for your

recommendation.<br><br>PS: How do you know that my name is Alex? Are you a

devotee of Sai Baba ?

<br><br>________________<br><br><br>>guys/gals <br><br>please see this movie

"I Am GOD "

<br><br>This ain't about GOD -and it ain't about religion,

either <br><br>but, i loved this movie- i saw it three

times- once with my live-in girl friend , once with my

friend and once all by myself- <br><br>this movie is

about real serial killer who films some of his

killings. see it and let me know what you all think- i

specially recommend it to alex and kajol, the free willers

in this forum.

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Thanks for the tip, CD. Well, the only movie I could find called I AM GOD is a

Polish movie about the relationship between a father and his 10 year old son. Is

this the movie you are talking about?

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alex, i ain't no devotee of god ? why should i be

a devotee of saibaba of all people- <br><br>i hate

god and i hate god men -<br><br>the only thing i luv

is myself and myself and myelf ...<br><br>here is a

post where you signed your name as

alex....<br><br><< why not? How can we have something that God does

not? What happens when your free will butts up against

your neighbors?? >><br><br>Have I said that God

has something that we do not have? I merely said that

God will never interfere with your own free

will.<br><br>But, if you mean the wish to control somebody by

interfering with their own process then I want to tell you

that God does NOT do this.<br>He supports us but never

does interfere. It is in human nature to interfere -

not in GOD's.<br><br>Love,<br><br>Alex

<br><br>*************************************************<br> <br>lucid, i know

some of your other i.d s also

but that is o.k.<br><br>cd

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My dear lucideye,<br>i am sorry if you thought my

posts were intended to change your beliefs. Trust me

that was the last thing on my mind. Furthermore, i do

not think that is your intent to the forum here

either. <br><br>Advaita and dvaita appear on the outside

to be polar opposites but in reality they share the

same goal, spiritual understanding. Clearly we have

our differences in opinion and if you add the

buddhist to the mix a third point of view comes into play

cause he'll tell us all there is no God, just void and

emptiness.<br><br>i am no preacher, and i am not a religon scholar. i

am just another spirit soul looking for some answers

in a world where there is a truth hawker on every

street corner pulling rabbits out of hats. Suffice it to

say, in the end, we will all know the truth - one way

or another..<br><br>om tat sat<br>>:*)

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wrote:<br><br><< alex, i ain't no devotee of god ? why should i be

a devotee of saibaba of all people- <br>i hate god

and i hate god men -<br>the only thing i luv is

myself and myself and myelf ...>><br><br>???

Please clarify?<br><br><< lucid, i know some of

your other i.d s also but that is o.k.

>><br><br>I would be interested in that. So c'mon, show me,

what do u have?<br><br>Lucideye

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alex, i know you are an ex sai devotee -<br><br>i

know so much about you -things you do not know

yourself- one day, i will reveal them all. <br><br>i know

you do not like poetry but sometimes we have to hide

behind a poem or quote so we do not offend anyone

directly.... <br><br>Truthful words are not

beautiful.<br>Beautiful words are not truthful.<br>Good men do not

argue.<br>Those who argue are not good.<br>Those who know are not

learned.<br>The learned do not know.<br><br>The sage never tries

to store things up.<br>The more he does for others,

the more he has.<br>The more he gives to others, the

greater his abundance.<br>The Tao of heaven is pointed

but does no harm.<br>The Tao of the sage is work

without effort <br><br>more later,

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<< alex, i know you are an ex sai devotee

->><br><br>true. but this does not make you psychic since I have

posted that once.<br><br><< i know you do not like

poetry >><br><br>How do you know that? You

definitely have to be psychic.<br>Seriously, I was stating

that just few posts ago.<br>Who do you want to

impress?<br> <br><< i know so much about you -things you

do not know yourself- one day, i will reveal them

all.>><br><br>This surprises me. <br>C'mon reveal them now. If you

do not, I definitely have to deem you are

liar.<br>Who are you?<br>You've said, You hate God? You hate

God men?<br>You want to appear mysterious,

right?<br>I don't like such. If you claim to know something

about me, tell it.<br><br>Do you know what? I am

psychic, too.<br>I know that your name is Spencer, you are

28 years old, you are from Canada and like painting,

rock muscic, playing the guitar, mountain-climbing,

travelling, yoga and meditation.<br><br>*lol*<br><br>Lucideye

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