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By What Authority ?

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By What Authority <br> It is obvious that many

member of this forum appreciate the writing of the Great

Sufi mystic poet Rumi, and the works of William

Shakespear to name a few. I am curious to know if the people

who cite Rumi, consider his contribution to be

equivalent to the advice given by Lord Krishna in the

Bhagavad Gita? If not then why would readers be more

interested in that then Gita Citations. If the writings of

Rumi are considered by some to be equivalent to the

Gita, then what it the measure of that excellence? Can

the same measure apply to the words of all apparently

successful authors such as Charles Dickens or Robert Louis

Stevenson? What about the work of Dr Tom Chalko as referred

to by lucideye2012 in his recommendation to turn to

a new publication called "Thiaoouba Prophecy" to

lead him out of his confusion. Are we to make

absolutely no distinction between any of these

sources?<br>The real question that we must all answer is what, or

who do we accept as our authority? For myself it is

the Bhagavad Gita, because I have found absolutely

nothing else comes close to it’s depth, accuracy and

profound clarity. I am also comforted to know that many of

the most pious individuals, greatest thinkers and

wise leaders also placed their faith in the Bhagavad

Gita.<br> I will close here for lack of time. I apologize

for not responding to every message that has touched

on the subjects I have raised at this time. I am

prepared to do that but feel it would be wise to first

better understand who I am writing to and what level of

dialogue is acceptable. If this forum does not accept the

final authority of the Gita, then there is little

reason for me to refer to it and every reason NOT to if

doing simply agitates others. <br>I am also a bit

disappointed to discover that after all the ad hominem attacks

are set aside I don’t find very many members

addressing the philosophical issues I have raised. For

example: I have posted Bg. 6.47 because in certainly

appears to be very clear that in Krishna’s opinion the

one who “… renders transcendental loving service to

Krishna, (Mam= Me), is most intimately united with (Him)

in yoga, and is the highest of all.” From that I

read a lot of material about the science of Sankya

Yoga… apparently because chapter six of the Gita is

called “Sankya Yoga”. But I do not find a response

related to the fact that Krishna is making a very clear

judgment statement about what he considers to be the most

effective yoga practice.<br>I have also noted that there

appears to be some appreciation for the Upanishads by

this audience. In the Sri Isopanishad it is

stated:<br>anyad evahur vidyaya nyad ahur avidyaya<br>iti susruma

dhiranam ye nas tad vicacaksire<br>“The wise have

explained that one result is derived from culture of

knowledge and that a different result is obtained from the

culture of nescience.” Sir Isopanishad Mantra 10.<br>So

how are we to distinguish between that which is

knowledge and that which is nescience if any rational

discussion about this subject is quashed by the allegation

that someone is being “Judgemental”? <br>Continued

Part Four (Krishna’s Opinion)

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