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Sai Baba on GOD´S VOICE: <br>God´s voice is

infinite. <br>He touches different chords of man´s inner

world, awakening emotions, intuitive awareness, and

thoughts, which are personal for each individual. <br>This

is in accordance with each person´s particular stage

of evolution, his thirst for knowledge, and his

surrender to the Supreme. <br>Therefore, the inner voice is

always new. <br><br>Sai Baba on MULTIPLICITY:<br>I do

not multiply Myself. <br>To say that God multiplies

Himself in as many Beings as those who perceive Him is an

erroneous concept. <br>I am totality in each being, not as

a replica of Myself acting in a different manner in

each case. <br>I am, that is all. <br>You can not even

say ´at the same time´ bacause I am at all times

simultaneously, without any possible division, without ´this

here´ and ´that there´ .<br>That would not be

´omnipresence´, that would be a division of the work between the

parts. God does not divide or multiply Himself

..<br><br>Sai Baba on SWAMI IS :<br>Because I am your essence,

the One who dwells in you, the One who surrounds you,

I am where your heart needs Me, where your spirit

pronounces the call of love, where your thought remembers or

invokes Me. <br>When you become conscious of Me and claim

Me, I always respond. My infinite powers knows no

barriers. There are no possible limitations once I

determine to come to a devotee who needs My attention and

care.<br><br>Sai Baba on CREATION :<br>Before the creation of the

universe, God was omnipresent. <br>He always existed.

<br>He is All there is. <br>God is the eternal Absolute.

<br>Omnipresence is an attribute of God. <br>Before creation, God

was there, but He was not manifested. <br>All the

universe is God, for everything has emanated from Him.

<br>Therefore, everything is imbued with God because everything

arose from Him. <br>God is the eternal witness.

<br>Everything manifested is merely a reflection of Him. <br>He

is the cause. <br>The Supreme and His creation are

indissolubly linked. <br>God is present in all creation and,

at the same time, He recognizes the creation as

existing in His own bosom.<br>Because He is omnipotent, He

is immanent in all things and is the sole cause of

everything that has been created. <br>Creation´s of

unfathomable diversity originated from a single divine

spring.<br><br>Sai Baba on MANIFESTATION :<br>To God, His

manifestation is not different from Himself. <br>He is the One,

and also the All. <br>In eternity there is no such

thing as time, and nothing changes. <br>In eternity God

realizes Himself in each instant and cannot die, because

He is unborn; He is the uncreated. <br>The act of

God is not action, it is being. <br>His manifestation

is only the reflection of His infinite

reality.<br><br>Sai Baba on the ABSOLUTE : <br>The Absolute Being is

totally inclusive, including both the unmanifested and

the manifested. All acts of creation begin from the

manifested arising out of the unmanifested. <br>In God´s

time, this is not sequential but

simultaneous.<br><br>Sai Baba on the WORLD: <br>Know the world, know it

profoundly. <br>Then transcend that maya and even when being

in it, act from the certainty of the grace and

communication with Me. <br>I sustain you.<br><br>All quotes are

from the book BABA IS HERE by Graciela Busto<br>Om Sai

Ram !

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