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Riddle of this World-AUROBINDO part 4

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But still what is the purpose and origin of the

disharmony - why came this division and ego, this world of a

painful evolution? Why must evil and sorrow enter into

the divine Good, Bliss and Peace? It is hard to

answer to the human intelligence on its own level, for

the consciousness to which the origin of this

phenomenon belongs and to which it stands as it were

automatically justified in a supra-intellectual knowledge, is a

cosmic and not an individualised human intelligence; it

sees in larger spaces, it has another vision

and-cognition, other terms of consciousness than human reason

and feeling. To the human mind one might answer that

while in itself the Infinite might be free from those

perturbations, yet once manifestation began infinite possibility

also began and among the infinite possibilities which

it is the function of the universal manifestation to

work out, the negation, the apparent effective

negation - with all its consequences - of the Power,

Light, Peace, Bliss was very evidently one. If it is

asked why even if possible it should have been

accepted, the answer nearest to the Cosmic Truth which the

human intelligence can make is that in the relations or

in the transition of the Divine in the Oneness to

the Divine in the Many, this ominous possible became

at a certain point an inevitable. For once it

appears it acquires for the Soul descending into

evolutionary manifestation an irresistible attraction which

creates the inevitability an attraction which in human

terms on the terrestrial level might be interpreted as

the call of the unknown, the joy of danger and

difficulty and adventure, the will to attempt the

impossible, to work out the incalculable, the will to create

the new and the uncreated with one's own self and

life as the material, the fascination of

contradictories and their difficult harmonisation - these things

translated into another supraphysical, superhuman

consciousness, higher and wider than the mental, were the

temptation that led to the fall. For to the original being

of light on the verge of the descent the one thing

unknown was the depths of the abyss, the possibilities of

the Divine in the Ignorance and Inconscience. On the

other side from the Divine Oneness a vast acquiescence,

compassionate, consenting, helpful, a supreme knowledge that

this thing must be, that having appeared it must be

worked out, that its appearance is in a certain sense

part of an incalculable infinite wisdom, that if the

plunge into Night was inevitable the emergence into a

new unprecedented Day was also a certitude, and that

only so could a certain manifestation of the Supreme

Truth be effected - by a working out with its

phenomenal opposites as the starting-point of the evolution,

as the condition laid down for a transforming

emergence. In this acquiescence was embraced too the will of

the great Sacrifice, the descent of the Divine itself

into the Inconscience to take up the burden of the

Ignorance and its consequences, to intervene as the Avatar

and the Vibhuti walking between the double sign of

the Cross and the Victory towards the fulfilment and

deliverance. A too imaged rendering of the inexpressible

Truth? But without images how to present to the

intellect a mystery far beyond it? It is only when one has

crossed the barrier of the limited intelligence shared in

the cosmic experience and the knowledge which sees

things from identity that the supreme realities which

lie behind these images - images corresponding to the

terrestrial fact - assume their divine forms and are felt as

simple, natural, implied in the essence of things. It is

by entering into that greater consciousness alone

that one can grasp the inevitability of its

self-creation and its purpose.

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