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Sir,<br><br>Do all religious discussions centre

around conceptions developed by the religious leaders?

Is religion concerned with whose conception is more

popular or widely discussed? Does being religious imply

that one must belong to one of the sects or creeds

propagated by the religious leaders? Will theoretical

analysis of what truth or God is, reveal to us the

ultimate reality? Does truth or God belong to the realm of

knowledge? Can intellectual understanding lead us beyond

thought, word and deed towards that which is silence

eternal?<br><br>Can we discuss this further, if you are interested?

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Sir,<br><br>Do all religious discussions centre

around conceptions developed by the religious

leaders?<br><br>Yes.<br><br>Is religion concerned with whose conception is more

popular or widely discussed?<br><br>No. Only the

leaders.<br><br>Does being religious imply that one must belong to one

of the sects or creeds propagated by the religious

leaders? <br><br>NO.<br><br>Will theoretical analysis of

what truth or God is, reveal to us the ultimate

reality? <br><br>Sometimes yes, but often no.<br><br>Does

truth or God belong to the realm of knowledge?

<br><br>Yes. Knowledge of being. I AM. <br><br>Can

intellectual understanding lead us beyond thought, word and

deed towards that which is silence eternal?<br><br>No,

only spiritual understanding which is similar. The

only one that cannot understand God is the ego that

often is confused with the intellect. Knowing will

always be present.<br><br>Can we discuss this further,

if you are interested? <br><br>Perhaps


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Dear ? Anand?,<br><br>Sorry, I am not sure how to

address you as you didn't sign your post.<br><br>You have

asked seven questions which I will lump together

somewhat for ease.<br><br>We are all spiritual by nature

and knowledge of our spirituality is also inherent in

our being. However it is also a discernable fact that

we are not born (with rare exceptions) with

awareness of our existence as spirit. From where do we

obtain our conceptions? This seems to be a central part

of your question. As far as saints of the past and

present go - they are our guides - they have captured a

glimpse of the eternal and are sharing that through

language that is flawed and incapable of perfect

transmission. Nonetheless, just as we learn any subject matter

from one who has studied and dedicated their life to

pursuit of that knowledge we have much to gain by

listening to those who have tread the path of transcendence

and left for us directions which can help us to go in

that direction as well. Logic, reason and argument

will never lead to conclusive truth. Jiva Goswami has

dealt very nicely with this in his sat sandarbhas. In

the tattva-sandarbha he has discussed at length from

where we can get perfect knowledge. First he deals with

sense perception. We all gain knowledge through our

senses. JS points out, however, that the senses are

imperfect - we can only see objects within a certain

distance and which are large enough, we can only hear

certain frequencies, and we are also mislead by our

senses as in the example of someone mistaking a rope for

a snake (an occurence which happened to me last

night when I came into my daughter's Tae Kwon do class

carrying a length of surgical tubing and someone thought I

was carrying a snake!) - so in this way JS has shown

that the senses cannot be relied upon to lead us to

conclusive truth. He next suggest that logic and reason are

a way of understanding and that it is inherent in

human beings and one of the things that distinguishes

us as a species. Through a very wonderful exercise

he shows how logic, reason and argument can never

lead to conclusive truth - there is always an

exception or alternative etc. (Not enough space here to go

into this in detail). He then suggests that since

sense perception and logic cannot lead to conclusive

truth that that truth can only be known if it reveals

itself. Here suggests the sacred literature which is

known as apauruseya (eternally existent - revealed

knowledge). Again there is not enough time for me now, nor

enough space to reproduce all he has said in this

regard, but he presents compelling evidence from the

literature itself that supports his thesis. By sacred

literature JS is specifically referring to Vedic literature.

Since the Vedas were compiled by Vyasadeva - JS

suggests that the cream of all the Vedic literatures is

the Srimad-Bhagavatam. He reasons that since it is

the fruit of his samadhi and final work that it must

be so. He also backs it up with considerable

evidence from the sacred literature itself.<br><br>This

answers some aspects of your questioning. Your last

question is worth reflecting on and I hope you will

consider my reflection on it to some degreee. You ask if

intellectual understanding can lead beyond thought towards

that which is silent eternal. I would ask you - from

where did you get the 'thought' that which is eternity

is silent? <br><br>I have much more to say about all

of this but I have to go. So that's all for

now.<br><br>sincerely<br>Audarya lila dasa

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"apauruseya (eternally existent - revealed knowledge"<br>I have heard

apaurusheya means .'not created by man'.can some sanskrit scholars throw


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Dear sulekh,<br><br>Thank you for the correction.

I think you will find that even though I did not

use the exact sanskrit to english translation, the

meaning was conveyed correctly. Not created by man can be

taken at eternally existent - revealed knowledge in the

context of the sacred

literature.<br><br>sincerely,<br>Audarya lila dasa

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