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Dear Lucideye<br><br>It is obvious that you are

really exited about the book. I know how it feels, I

have been through this kind of excitement several

times and still do so when a piece of the mystery is

unveiled. :)<br><br>Thanks .. and blessings for your

enthusiasm. It is this spirit of awe that one must never lose

sight of as we journey on. The moment we think we have

found THE TRUTH we find ourselves in

trouble.<br><br>May I ask my question again .. <br> <br>"To lucideye,

how do you put the knowledge gained from the texts

you have presented into practice? How has it effected

... changed your life? What is your goal and how has

it taken you closer to attaining your objective?"

<br><br>How does your practice help you in your daily

interpersonal dealings?<br><br>Looking forward to your

reply.<br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br><br>UMA

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Hi Tatwamasi,<br><br><< To lucideye, how do

you put the knowledge gained from the texts you have

presented into practice? >><br><br>I live a life in

ease and without any obligation or bad conscience if I

haven't meditated or done my puja (that I've never done

again since I FELT the total nonsense of it in my

heart), etc.<br><br><< How has it effected ..

changed your life? What is your goal and how has it taken

you closer to attaining your objective?

>><br><br>I feel much more free and do now know abut the real

nature of things, i.e. what is really going on, what

does create my reality, what is really a "sin", what

does really create "bad karma". I haven't to deny the

so-called "dark side" of me anymore and feel no obligation

to be "spiritual". This, I have also learnt from the

beautiful teachings of Byron Katie ("The Work") who had

experienced the direct awakening without having ever heard of

any spiritual concepta dn can be called a "guru" in

hindu terms. She doesn't talk much about religion,

bhakti marga, archana vigraha murthis, akal bodhon,

etc.. Not at all. She really does help the people,

spiritually, mentally, physically. She tells them what is

truth without referring to any religion so that

EVERYBODY can understand sprituality. She is REALLY

assisting and guiding humanity towards, physical, mental

and spiritual health. She is beautiful.<br><br>I like

the statement of conscious_disintegrity that he

exclaimed in reply to one of my posts:<br>"the key word in

your post is direct awakening -<br>now, we are on the

same wavelength . forget everything else krishna,

rama, sai baba, christ. etc."<br><br>I agree with this.

Discover your inner self and do not discuss about

religion. Religion is dividing humanity instead of uniting

it. Do something for your fellowman and don't and let

go of all beliefs.


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I mean:<br>I agree with this. Discover your inner

self and do not discuss about religion. Religion is

dividing humanity instead of uniting it. Do something for

your fellowman and and let go of all beliefs.


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Thanks for your reply Lucid. <br><br>A key

element in all teachings is one's behavior in

relationships and interactions with others. Our ego (the

personality 'i' as distinct from the Higher Self .. Atman etc

etc "I") comes into action only in relationships for

it is solely at the level of "you' and "i" that the

differences "yours" and "mine" exist. <br><br>In an effort to

understand you better may I ask another question? How does

your sadhna prescribe dealing with interactions with

other people? Especially how does it teach you to treat

people and thier beliefs that you disagree with?

<br><br>Thanks...<br><br>Love and light<br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br>UMA

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