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Uma your question is very important. In theory

everything seems in place, but putting an idea into practice

is the real sadhna. Since we are at present in this

human body we have to see if our sadhna is helping us

discharge our duties in this body effectively or not. A Bad

human being can not become a sadhaka. Reading about the

Excellent does not take us to HIM. I remember one story.

There was a poor panditji. His wife one day rebuked

him," You lazy one, sitting idle at home. You can at

least go to the king and get some money by reciting

some sacred verses before him.<br>Pandit decided to

recite Bhagwatam to the king and reached his court. The

king was very learned one and respected all learned

pandits. When our pandit desired to recite Bhagwatam, the

king smiled and asked, " Panditji have you understood

Bhagwatam well?"<br><br>Pandit thought and said," No sir

but I will come next week fully

prepared"<br><br>Pandit reached home and re-read Bhagwatam, marked

important passages with their meanings and went to the

court and requested the king to listen Bhjagwatam from

him.<br><br>The King again smiled and said," I feel you still

have not understood well the bhagwatam...pls come next

week fully prepared"<br><br>Pandit was disappointed.

He reached home and re-read Bhagwatam, He carefully

noted the difficult Sanskrit words and their meanings

and noted the cross -references and confidentally

went to the king and told the king that he was now

ready to recite.<br><br>The King said," But I still

feel you are not capable of recitation". The Pandit

felt insulted and decided to return home and

re-prepare his reciting.<br><br>After a month, the king

asked his minister why pandit has not returned. Let us

go to his house and see what happened.<br><br>When

the king reached Pandit's house he saw Pandit was

sitting with Bhagwatam before him. His eyes were fixed on

nothing and he was repeating the sacred verses. In

between he would cry "O Krishna when will i meet you !"

and tears would roll down his cheeks. He paid no

attention to the king and continued his recitation. His

face was radiant and impressive. On being asked by the

king as to why he did not come to the court he

replied," Oh why should i waste time for a few coins from

you, my Krishna is waiting for me and time left is too

short."<br><br> The king sat near his feet and said," O learned

one, now you have understood Bhagwatam. Please sing

the sacred verses for me".<br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat

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Dear silentsouji,<br><br>Your post is also very

interesting. <br><br>But I have one question - <br><br>Every

human being is born with the Atman within himself. The

Atman is the part of the Paramatman.<br><br>Then how

come that part of Paramatman forces a human being to

lead bad life.<br><br>Or there are different source of

from where the Atman comes like we believe in the

western world that there are Holy Spirits and Evil

Spirits.<br><br>In Mahabharata I found that Judhistara reach heaven

after taking so much strain. But when he reached heave

he found Juryodhona - the bad personality of the

Mahabharata reached the heaven before judhisthira.<br><br>Is

it also the Lila of the Creator?<br><br>with


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This is a very wise question. In fact this

question itself created religions and was responsible for

creation of Upanishadas.<br><br> Since there are 5 major

path of religion viz. Gyana, Karma, Raja etc. and

Bhakti and a separate path of Tantra. Each path has a

different explanation for vice and virtue, sin and sinner,

good and bad.<br><br>Gyana Yoga : By the definition of

Gyana Yoga the Atma is unattached and these are three

Gunas of Nature which are producing enourmous

combinations some of which are good, some bad. A Gyan Yogi

unattaches itself from Prakriti and remains in pure form

without vice or virtue. A gyani does not bind himself

with the Prakriti (Nature), whose manifestation is

this universe and his body.<br><br>Karma Yogi

believes, whatever bad or satanic is coming to him, is in

fact the outcome of his own past karma. He sees the

Ahankaar doing Karma and facing the consequences. He thus

does his Karma without attaching himself to their

fruits.<br><br>A Bhakta takes it as HIS leela and is not worried

about vice and virtue. He feels God is either testing

him or is making him stronger by giving him

troubles.<br><br>A Raja Yogi takes it as his past samsakaras coming

from chitta and effecting his buddhi. He forcibly

controls his vrittis and comes out of this whirpool of

vice and virtue.<br><br>A Tantrik knows it as Mother

shakti producing two equal forces of Positive and

Negative, both working on him. He by worshipping the

positive energies, anihilates the negative and feel

free.<br><br> Now one, as per one's mental programming, can

take either of the above as the reason of vice and its

remedies. And all of them are TRUE. Even all others can be

viewed correctly through either of the above

explanation. They are interwoven and interlinked.<br><br>Hari

Om Tat Sat

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Dear Silent Soul,<br><br>Very wonderful story.

Very inspiring.<br><br>Here is another one about the

Srimad Bhagavatam that is worthy of some

reflection.<br><br>Once a Brahmin sent his son to Gaudadesha to study the

Srimad Bhagavatam. His son dutifully went and studied

very diligently. After some time (maybe a year or so)

he returned. His father asked him, "So, have you

learned the Srimad Bhagavatam?" His son replied, "Yes,

father, I have studied long and hard and I have

understood the Srimad Bhagavatam." His father told him,

"Please go back and study further."<br><br>His son was

disappointed, but he dutifully went to study further. He

studied long and hard. Finally he returned again and his

father asked him again, "do you now understand the

Srimad Bhagavatam?" He replied to his father, "Father, I

understand why you sent me back to study further. I really

did not understand previously, but now I am sure I

have understood." His father said to him, "Please go

again to study the Srimad Bhagavatam."<br><br>His son

was perplexed, but being a dutiful son he went back

for further study. Again he studied long and hard and

after a very long time he finally returned to his

father. His father asked him, "Son, do you now understand

the Srimad Bhagavatm?" His son ,with tears in his

eyes, replied, "I am sorry father, I have studied long

and hard and I find that I cannot understand the

Srimad Bhagavatam." His father embraced him and welcomed

him home. (And for us baseball fans - we were sure

glad that he didn't take that third

strike).<br><br>sincerely,<br>Audarya lila dasa

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Thank you all very much for the stories. This

reminds me of a story Shri Ramakrishna once told. Gita

recital was going on and a man sitting outside was

elated. A pundit approcahed him and asked if understood

what was going on. The man said no he didnot but the

very fact that he could visualize Shri Krishna saying

those words to Arjuna was enough for him.

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