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Journey to the Source

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tks gypsyqueenb for beautiful post on Shri

Rama.<br>Goswami Tulsidas wrote<br><br> Sut dhara aur

laxmi...Paapi ke bhi hoye<br> Sant samagam, Hari kathaa...Tulsi

durlabh doye<br><br> Sons, land and money can be

possessed even by a sinner. What they can not get is

Satsang(company of the wise) and Hari kathaa(listening to god's

glories), as it is available to lucky few.<br> <br> so dear

friends we are lucky to have this Satsang...let us


r> Human life is a journey "away from the source" or

a journey "towards the source"....what do u think

dear sadhakas ?<br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat<br><br><br>PS :

where are my soulmates Peggy, babu and morgitta

....playing hide and seek :) ?

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i am still here silent soul! i have a major exam

this saturday to take that was taking so much of my

time. In fact, babuji scolded me for posting instead of

studying!<br><br>This thought came to me regarding bhakti and jnana

yoga as i was reading something else..<br><br>"There

is no difference between devotion and perfect

knowledge. A person who is engrossed in devotion enjoys

perpetual happiness. And perfect knowledge never decends in

a vicious person adverse to devotion." Siva

Purana<br><br>As far as our journey goes, there is neither good

karma nor bad karma. Both states are only experiences

that provide us a chance for spiritual growth. Even

the most dreadful karma when faced with wisdom is

merely a catalyst for profound spiritual enlightenment.

The mahajanas tell us that it is want that mires us

in repeated birth and death. Escape comes by

renouncing our want and submitting ourselves to the want of

God.<br><br>om tat sat<br><br>>:*)

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Silentsoulji,<br>I am trying to kill a few birds

with a stone nowadays. a) Coping up with terrible work

pressure b) Getting ready to get married and c) trying to

keep myself awake at work.<br>My work hours are from

7AM to 4PM. A nice time actually, but right after the

daylight saving time change, I seem to be feeling sleepy

always.<br><br>But I will write, if not not during the week, than on

the weekend for sure.<br><br>Thanks

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Ref: 606<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam, and also

Vinod,<br>I am sorry if I am replying out of turn. I suppose

this is in response to my writings wherein I say that

Shiva and the Gods/Goddesses were all human beings once

upon a time; and I go about seeing mythology as

history.<br><br>Re: “I don’t agree Shiva with…”<br>What can be

definite then? Shiva has lived such a long time ago that

to get to the bottom of it, and to get the truth as

is; is like searching a needle in the haystack. So

“Just go for it…” irrespective of the results, people

will respond in different manner, and there would be a

common factor in the majority that is the nearest to the

part concerning Shiva during his times. This is so as

all the scriptures through out the world basically

deal with the very basic nature of man; and which has

remained unchanged through out the ages, the only thing

that has changed is the priorities.<br><br>How much

ever mud slinging is done on these Gods/Goddesses,

even if they were really humans in flesh and blood

once upon a time, tarnishing them is out of question;

as they are our direct or indirect ancestors, and

our ancestors are the reason for us to be here as on

today, and we value ourselves.<br><br>Re: “What about

those criminals and rapists…”<br>I believe that the

heaven, the earth, and the hell are all here; we start

from a point and end at the same point. What are

criminals and rapists? Why are they so? Could the society

(which means us) also be responsible to give rise to

such “antisocial” elements?<br><br>This does not mean

that the antisocial elements should not get the

punishment. It simply means that after the punishment is

executed does not mean that the core problem is solved,

and a hint is given to the potential antisocial

elements. What is required is also to peep within ourselves

to see where could we have gone wrong.<br><br>Thank

you, and with regards,<br>Jai.

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