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Shri Ramakrishna's Experiments - 2

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The next stage in Sri Ramakrishna's life was to

reach the same truth by other means as well. For this

he took help of spiritual Teacher -Bhairavi

Brahmani. The ascetic nun experienced in the techniques of

Tantras and Bhakti traditions tenderly guided Sri

Ramakrishna as the novice on the spiritual path. Her motherly

love and concern as a teacher saw Sri Ramakrishna

climb one step after the other with the rapidity about

which there is no parallel. He performed intricate and

even 'maligned' sadhana of sixty-four Tantras and

reached the same stage of dualistic consciousness of

seeing Mother in both living and non-living beings.

<br>Moreover, he proved Puranas (mythologies) to be true, which

were about to be rejected as imaginary stories by the

'intellectuals and scientifically oriented minds' influenced by

British education system. He played with baby Rama in the

water of Ganges; becoming Radha, he experienced pangs

of separation from Sri Krishna; Mother Sita

presented him with the most beatific smile; and sadhana of

servant attitude of Hanuman brought out physical and

psychological changes in his and mind. The list is very long

and exhaustive. These great achievements and

experimentation to prove the validity of not only Indian

scriptures but also mythologies is a unique contribution of

Sri Ramakrishna in the field of spirituality. He

proved for the good of humanity in general and for the

'scientific-minded' Indian youths in particular that their ancient

literature is not a figment of imagination, but is in fact

based on facts and truths. <br>Not satisfied with Hindu

paths of realization alone, Sri Ramakrishna undertook

sadhana of Muslim and Christian religions as well.

Getting initiated into these religious faiths, he

attained the same higher level of consciousness and

realized the truths of respective religions, prophets and

incarnations. He found that all religions took the aspirant to

the same destination; there was no difference in the

final experience. The whole world for Sri Ramakrishna

was now manifestation of Ma Kali, which he called

'Her Play' or 'Lila'. Imbibed with broadness of divine

vision, natural love, and respect for all beings Sri

Ramakrishna saw 'Narayana or Kali' in every human being. For

him there were no drunkards, prostitutes, or wretched

anymore. Such equanimity of vision is the final

culmination of all knowledges including physical sciences.

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