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please, don.T REFER to our archana vigraha

murthis as wooden gods and vedas as uselss scriptures.-

<br><br>god lives in eveything- in the air you breathe, in

the water you drink , on the earth you walk on , in

the food you eat, in the books you

read......<br><br><br>maa can relate to your frustration regarding the

usage of sanskrit terms etc but bhakti marga is the

same -it is the language of the heart -anyone who has

a heart can cultivate devotion -teresa of <br>avlla

was a great bhaktin - she was christian -<br>rumi is

a grat bhaktha -he is from the islamic (sufi)

traditon ----<br><br>religion is something very personal -

but, sadhna is something that is common to all

religions/all faiths- <br><br>by the way, some of the best

upanishdic translations are by westerners like max muller

and zaener ec..... there are also beautiful

translations of the bhagwat gita by some westerners- maa's

instructor in the vesdanta society is an american whose

knowledge of sanskrit is remarkable...<br><br>to know god,

you don't need sanskrit-all you need is faith- faith

is like a mustard seed that can move mountains -

<br><br>sri ramakrishna did not know sanskrit- he was a

bengali but he understood adwaita and vedanta , islam,

christianity and all else. <br><br>sri ramana maharishi was a

high school drop out- but, he is one of the greatest

teachers the world has ever known. <br><br>you are an ex

sai devotee and shri sai baba never finished school

but he could give beautiful discourses on any subject

quoting from all scriptures....<br><br>when you have

krishna(jesus, allah or brahman) he vests you with all powers-

god gives speech to the dumb and helps the lame cross

mountains. <br><br><br>love, maa

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<< please, don.T REFER to our archana

vigraha murthis as wooden gods >><br><br>Sorry, are

they plastic gods? or perhaps metal gods? I don't know

the term "archana vigraha murthis".<br>For me, God

lives first and foremost in every LIVING being (though

everything's living, but I think you know what I mean) and at

last in wooden, metal and plastic idols.<br>Many

people who follow the vedic way refer to Ramakrishna and

his worship of Kali, but do you think that just

because he hadn't learnt it better that this is the RIGHT

way? <br>The vedas recommend idolatry and when you

believe that Vedanta is the religion of mankind you

definitely must hold the opinion that this is the right path

and most beneficial for everybody.<br><br>I tell you,

as long as there are different religions, there will

be no peace among humanity. As long as there are

beliefs such as "Krishna is the highest GOD and Krishna

consciousness is superior to Brahman consciousness, etc., etc.,

there never ever will be love, peace and harmony among

us, not to mention


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