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Freedom to believe

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It is a tempting position, to be always

correct<br>isn't it? It is so sweet to know that our opinion is

right and others so very wrong. If we were president,

Man, we'd straighten everything out, no?!?! Then

everybody would see how right we are.<br><br>But even the

temptation to be always right is just another seductive form

of mental bondage. Secretly, we would rather be in

a<br>place where we don't care what others think, where we

can find the courage to liberate ourselves from

opinionating. <br><br>Opinionating is addicting but also

deadly<br>toxic. From opinionating it is a mere step to judging

and then to dividing the "intellegent things" from

the "idiotic ones." How smart are we when we close

ourselves off from openness? We become a mixture of lucid

insights and dumb miscalculations so intertwined that

we<br>do not see where one stops and the

other<br>begins.<br><br>God cant be in a wooden murti? If God is

pure<br>existance, who are we to say where God can go and where God

can't? The omnipresent must be everywhere,

everything,<br>everyone. Jai Narasimhadev! This manifestation of Godhead

sprouted from a simple dirty piller, not a golden clad

murti, to rescue His tiny devotee Pralada from the lord

incarnate of all child abusing parents Raja

Hiranyakashipu.<br>Hiranyakashipu said that if God was everywhere than He should

materialize to him from that pillar. The moral there is to

be<br>careful what you wish for...<br>Is this another folk

tale? well, it does not matter what i think...i was

not<br>there. <br><br>i hesitate to pronounce judgement

here.<br>It seems better for us to renounce judgement

and<br>thus liberate ourselves from doubt. By

renouncing<br>judgement everyone is a sacred incarnation. Until then, we

are all just sleeping buddhas closing ourselves off

from blissful openness of awareness. <br><br>The Third

Zen Patriarch is quoted,"Do not seek

for<br>truth-merely cease to cherish pinions."<br><br>om tat


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Dear peggy,<br>this is to thank you for touching

somethings quite deep within me. Have been staying away from

posting for sometime due to somewhat similar observations

about self...<br>" where do lucid insights end and our

dumb interpretations begin????".... just loved your

words.<br><br>Truly speaking we usually happen to be just vomiting

our opinions upon a lot of things we DON'T KNOW

ANYTHING ABOUT AT ALL !, <br>is this all there is to it

?<br>a clash of opinions ?<br>makes one wonder, is there

anything to discuss at all ? other than just opening our

hearts on the board ?<br><br>I'd rather live with that

familiar "tingle in the spine", that silentsoulji talked

about in some previous posts and open my heart more and

more to that source of bliss, instead of just debating

over issues.<br>Somebody has read a book that

impressed him, well I have read more ! Does that make my

opinion any better than the other ? I gather, not.<br>The

futility of logic also has to be realised by all of us,

logic is just a upposedly 'irrefutable' argument

proferred from one's present 'memory bank' or knowledge

base if I may call it that.<br>But isn't that

'knowledge' forever improving and increasing. During

adolescence I remember myself strongly believing in

somethings and offering very strong logics for it, but

"EXPERIENCE" has proved them to be childish today.<br>Why do

not we understand that whatever we find strongly

believable is just something that appeals to our present

level of understanding. But there is nothing to say to

somebody who believes that he has reached his FINAL level

of understanding.<br>Peggy, maybe you have hit the

nail on the head, what is that "secret" desire that

makes us argue over our opinions ?

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