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Kabir: the Anurag Sagar

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>From the Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar) of Kabir, a

classic scripture used by the Kabir Panth and Sant

Mat.<br><br>Manglacharan: Hymn of God's Grace<br><br>First of all I salute

the Sat Guru, Who showed me the Inconceivable <br> --

God<br>Who, lighting the lamp of the Master's Knowledge and

opening the<br> veil, made me have His darshan

[vision].<br>With the Master's grace I have achieved Him, to

achieve Whom, scholars<br> worked very hard.<br>His form

cannot be described; His soul is the nectar in which I

have<br> absorbed myself.<br>___<br><br>Who deserves

it?<br><br>Only the connoisseur, who will test the Shabda <br>And

listen to the Teachings with full attention<br>And

within whom these Teachings will dwell, only he will

understand <br> this. <br>He within whom the Sun of

Knowledge will manifest and remove <br> the darkness of

attachment -- only he will understand this.<br>I am telling

you this Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love) -- only rare

<br> saints will understand. <br>___<br><br>Without

love one cannot achieve it<br><br>Any learned saint

who thinks over my words and has love in his<br>

heart will achieve Nirvana.<br>___<br><br>The glory of

the Inconceivable is limitless -- millions of suns

and<br> moons cannot vie with one hair.<br>The radiance

of one soul is equal to the light of sixteen

suns.<br>___<br><br>One who gets Sat Naam from the Satguru goes to Sat

Lok climbing<br> the rope of Naam.<br>___<br><br>The

Naam of Sat Purush Itself is the Essential Shabda and

the <br> Simran of Sat Purush is the Essential

Shabda's recognition.<br>One who merges into It without

doing Simran by tongue -- even<br> Kal is afraid of

him.<br>The path of the Essential Shabda is subtle, easy and

perfect; but<br> only the brave can follow

it.<br>___<br><br>The Yoga of True Knowledge is the Abode of Happiness,

from<br> which one gets Naam and goes to the Real

Home.<br>___<br><br>The Union of Surat and Shabda -- when one gets

Shabda, he<br> reaches the realm of the Saints.<br>It is

the play of the drop and the ocean. What else can one

say?<br>___<br><br>Giving up the qualities of mind, one should follow the

Path of the<br> Master.<br>Such a soul goes to Sat Lok

and derives Happiness from the Ocean<br> of

Happiness.<br><br>Understand the soul as the drop, and the Naam of the Satguru

as the<br> ocean,<br>Says Kabir with proof: Dharam

Das [Kabir's disciple], understand this!<br><br>--

The Anurag Sagar of Kabir, Sant Bani

Books<br>_________<br>Footnotes:<br><br>Satguru: Master of Truth or God (Sat),

or True

Master.<br><br>Shabda: The Sound Current; also called Naam or Word. The

projected <br>Creative Force of the Positive Power or Sat

Purush, ultimately <br>responsible for the entire

creation and present in each individual in <br>the form of

Light and Sound, which can be seen and heard, and which

<br>are the agency that pulls the individual back to

his/her essence, Sat <br>Purush.<br><br>Sat Naam: The

Expression of Existence; the True Name given to the

<br>Primal Sound Current as it comes into Being at the stage

of Sach <br>Khand as Sat Purush or the Positive

Power, sometimes used as a <br>synonym for Naam or

Shabda, the Sound Current as a whole.<br><br>Sat Purush:

The True Being; the first full expression of the

<br>Absolute God. Called also the Supreme Father or the

Positive Power, <br>He is the Lord of Sach Khand and is

the highest form of God that can <br>be called

personal. Also called Sat Naam.<br><br>Sat Lok: The Region

of Truth; the fifth inner plane, first

<br>completely spiritual plane, and the seat of Sat Purush. This

is the <br>stage to which Sants take their

disciples; Sat Purush Himself takes <br>them further into

the Absolute. <br><br>Kal: Lord of Time, the Negative

Power, or that aspect of the One God <br>that flows

downward and is responsible for the creation and

<br>maintenance of the causal, astral and physical

planes.<br><br>Simran: Remembrance; in the writings of the Masters,

refers to <br>Remembrance of God through the repetition

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